While You Were Celebrating The 4th, Lib Lawmakers Screwed Americans With SICK Gift To Illegals YOU P

While You Were Celebrating The 4th, Lib Lawmakers Screwed Americans With SICK Gift To Illegals YOU Paid For

This past weekend we all celebrated Independence Day and this year it held a much deeper meaning than before. However, while conservatives were taking the time to celebrate our freedom from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, liberals were doing their best to stick it to American taxpayers again.

Leave it to liberals to find a way to ruin Independence Day by pushing through legislation that will cost Americans millions. I am sure if you asked a liberal if they saw the irony in this they would be at a loss for words. But, I digress.

Over this past weekend, the liberals in Oregon decided to pass a bill that would grant all women, girls, and illegal immigrants access to free abortions. Seriously, who in their right mind is ok with their tax dollars going to the murder of the unborn? Liberals, that’s who.

At any rate, the bill was passed in the Oregon House where the Democrats also took the time to condemn President Trump and his pro-life stance.

“While the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans in D.C. continue their efforts to slash access to women’s health, Democrats in the Oregon House today stood up to preserve and expand comprehensive reproductive health care to all Oregonians,” the lawmakers said, adding:

House Bill 3391, the Reproductive Health Equity Act, ensures that all Oregonians receive the full range of preventative reproductive health services they need at zero out-of-pocket cost – regardless of their income, citizenship status, gender identity, or type of insurance.

The bill passed, 33-23, with no Republican votes and one Democrat joining Republicans, and now heads to the state Senate.
In celebrating the passage of the bill, Oregon Democrats rebuked Republican-led state legislatures:

Republican-led legislatures in other states have been cutting reproductive care through draconian budget cuts and legislation making it harder for women to access critical services. Republican politicians in Washington D.C. are attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would cause Oregonians to lose no-cost preventative reproductive health care and essential benefits. With HB 3391, Oregon will be moving boldly in the opposite direction, protecting and expanding access.