William Black on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!

William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and appeared recently on the Bill Moyers Journal www.infowars.com www.law.umkc.edu

2 thoughts on “William Black on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!”

  1. BE AWARE! BEWARE! Alex Jones is working for the NSA as a double agent. His mission, OPERATION ROUNDUP (OP – UP) RE-NAMED OPERATION WEED CONTROL (OWC), is to identify subversive elements domestically and internationally to catalog them for roundup. Viewers of these videos, as well as those who produce unauthorized (OUT OF OPERATION) videos, are listed and catagorized. BE AWARE! BEWARE!

  2. i don’t know about ending capitalism, we need to end CORRUPTION for sure and people need to definitely be more aware of whats happening

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