William Black on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!

William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and appeared recently on the Bill Moyers Journal www.infowars.com www.law.umkc.edu

29 thoughts on “William Black on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!”

  1. If you are truly attacked by one no reptile is immune to rat poison. But don’t believe everything you hear about ETs there are people locally that are just greedy for your cheap labor/service and don’t want you to leave the planet or don’t want the planet free 😉

  2. every business school claim that government officials CANNOT reflect negative information to the media, because it causes negative effects on the markets, so it is a RULE to always say: ALL IS GOOD !

  3. Not Timmy G.

    Instead, look to his Boss: Summers.

    It’s Summers who wants to ‘bail out’ the banks so they can go back to selling Derivitaves

  4. don’t worry guys guns work…wait…oh thats right they are trying to take them from us…

  5. Just to say, I agree with you completely. The financial scam is worse than anybody thinks. In fact, I find it difficult to have a position on what to be done because the fraud is so deep it’s difficult to know where the matrix ends and reality begins.

  6. They got the money, hey You know they got away They headed down south and theyre still running today
    Singin go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    Go on take the money and run
    WHOO WHOO WHOO wake up

  7. what about the conspiracy theory that the only journalist allowed to cover conspiracy theory stuff on UK TV is Jon Ronson a man that has an extremely camp voice

  8. The capitalist market is corrupt and professional government leadership is non existent. Boy are we screwed.

  9. Great video, If you need any help getting your videos or channel exposed, i use a service called thetubeviews . net it has helped 5 of my videos get ranked on the first page

    Thomas Cole

  10. Why are you here then?

    Your duty to mankind to warn us about AJ via messages that make no sense? does that sound beleivable?

  11. The worst thing is that there is no money for the farmers. I don’t care how much money you have, its no good without food to buy. We are screwed,

  12. The Map of Bailout Recipients
    Each marker represents the headquarters of a financial institution that expects or has already received money from the Treasury Department under the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program). The size of each marker represents the amount of bailout money given to each institution. Click on the markers to see the institutions name and amount its receiving.
    Show just the bailout entities by state:

  13. Remember how all Americans got together, and DONATED their last dollar to Obama. Now Donate your last dollar to the Informer of your own Choice. Get it together.
    A New System will be measured by the the Methodes it got ALIVE – With LOVE

  14. Mr. Jones, This is a great interview and I like Black, but the FEDERAL RESERVE was at the bottom of this. Remember, none of the bad loans would have been possible without easy money!!

  15. The only way out of this system is to start a new one in your own communities.

  16. “Hedge Fund”
    “Credit Default Swap”
    “Ponzi Scheme”
    “Toxic Waste Assets”
    “Liars’ Loans”
    “Mining Stock”
    “Financial Derivitive”
    “Sub-Prime Loans” , etc, etc, etc….

    Intimidation 101.
    Question: Describe each of these terms.
    FREEBIE HINT: “If you don’t want to know, you pass with flying colors”

  17. Fascism, Capitalism, Communism, it’s all about Control, Power, and Domination.

    Pick your poison.

  18. communists do all this to make people hate capitalism and call for socialism and communism which is a communist elite who slave all masses,as capitalism

  19. “But don’t give up.” That is pretty funny. Mr. Black was worried that he had told Mr. Jones too much bad news about how corrupt the government is. I must Admit that Mr. Jones does look discouraged. It is even worse than he thought. I thought he thought it was pretty darn bad. Most people complain that Mr. Jones sensationalizes how bad it is. He doesn’t. It is worse than almost anybody thinks.

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