XXX Star Stormy Daniels Devastated As Leaked Docs Reveal Avenatti’s “Dirty Secret”

XXX Star Stormy Daniels Devastated As Leaked Docs Reveal Avenatti’s “Dirty Secret”

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For a while now, conservatives have had the overwhelming feeling that something wasn’t quite right about Michael Avenatti, the eccentric lawyer representing adult film star Stormy Daniels. However, no one could quite put their finger on the underlying issue. That is until now. Leaked documents have revealed Avenatti’s “dirty secret,” and Stormy is devastated.

Although Michael Avenatti makes television appearances left and right, there’s a slew of questions about him which remain unanswered. And, perhaps even more concerning, the folks over at CNN and MSNBC seem entirely uninterested in asking those questions.

For instance, who’s paying this guy? And, how much is he being paid? Daniels has confirmed that she isn’t footing the bill, and Avenatti’s round-the-clock availability to the media seems to indicate that he’s not doing a whole lot of work for other clients.
Perhaps he doesn’t have to because, at the very same time that Avenatti acquired Daniels as a client, he also came into a whopping $8 million.

Let that sink in for a moment.

A struggling attorney who was previously unknown, at least for the most part, suddenly gained $8 million in the same month that he took on a client claiming to have had an affair with the President of the United State eleven years ago, shortly after his wife gave birth to their son.

Coincidence? I think not.
Thanks to a bit of internet sleuthing by notable trial lawyer Robert Barnes, we now have the documents that seemingly prove Avenatti is being paid millions to represent Daniels, although by whom is still a mystery. Barnes looked up some tax information on Avenatti’s law firm and found that he hadn’t paid any taxes at all for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016, even though filings in a bankruptcy court said that during that period of time the firm earned a whopping $30 million.

Avenatti was in debt up to his eyeballs because of his failure to pay taxes, so much so that he was facing bankruptcy. But then, miraculously, he came into $8 million. At the same time, he agreed to represent Stormy Daniels, who says she was not the one who paid him. We can assume she is telling the truth — about this, at least — because Stormy Daniels doesn’t have nor has she ever had $8 million.

“In December 2014, #Avenatti decided to quit paying most taxes,” Barnes tweeted. “He failed to even file his law firm’s income tax returns for 2014, 2015, and 2016, though a lawyer’s detailed filings in his bankruptcy court report his firm made over $30M in income in that time. IRS records confirm.”
“Unsatisfied w/ evading income taxes, #Avenatti also decided to quit paying his employees’ Medicare or Social Security taxes, at the same time in December 2014, stiffing them and the IRS in a seven-figure tax bill, while diverting millions in income to himself. IRS records confirm,” Barnes added.

“Unsatisfied w/ evading income taxes and payroll taxes on his law firm income, #Avenatti decided to quit filing his law firm’s tax returns to the Franchise Tax Board to California, as well,” Barnes tweeted. “FTB reports confirm.”

FTB reports confirm that Michael Avenatti decided to quit filing his law firm’s tax returns to the Franchise Tax Board of California. (Photo Credit: Robert Barnes/Twitter)
“Unsatisfied w/ evading federal income taxes, federal payroll taxes, and FTB income taxes on his law firm income, #Avenatti decided to quit paying his employees’ payroll taxes due to the EDD in the State of California as well as of New Years 2015,” Barnes explained. “EDD records confirm.”
“#Avenatti law firm tax evasion was uncovered when a former employee brought an arbitration claim against him for defrauding the employee, and the 3-Judge panel of the Arbitration committee found #Avenatti ‘acted with malice, fraud and oppression by hiding its tax returns,’” Barnes tweeted.

He added, “In January 2018, (Michael Avenatti) got an unidentified source of income that allowed him to pay $4.85M to his law firm employees he defrauded, close to $2M in back taxes for payroll taxes on his law firm, and near another $1M to other creditors. Same time as: new client #StormyDaniels.”

So, to recap, Michael Avenatti owed so much money to the IRS and the state of California that he was going bankrupt. Then, suddenly, he came into around $8 million dollars — enough money to settle his mounting debt and apparently work for just one client exclusively: Stormy Daniels.
How on earth did Michael Avenatti acquire $8 million overnight? Did this money come from the DNC or a powerful Democratic donor like, say, George Soros? If so, that would explain a lot. As they say, if you want to know who’s behind something, follow the money.