Alex Jones on 590 KLBJ AM 1/8

Listen to the Sunday Edition of Alex’s nationally syndicated broadcast, a round-up of the week past and the one ahead

19 thoughts on “Alex Jones on 590 KLBJ AM 1/8”

  1. Alex Jones is WORKING 4 the govt to gather info on all who listen and comment on him. He is setting us up. Dont talk about anything in here! or near alex!

  2. Look up the documents he is talking about by using Google. You can view the report if you type it in on there. Not that hard really.

  3. wow that was seriously not expexting that but i liked it haha very good job i am very appualed that, that even happend haah but it was a very nice touch

  4. In this issue of the GEAB, our researchers anticipate the different forms a US default will take at the end of summer 2009, a US default which can no longer be concealed concealable from this April (most taxes are collected in April in the US) onward (10). The perspective of a US default this summer is becoming clearer as public debt is now completely out of control with skyrocketing expenses (+41%) and collapsing tax revenues (-28%)

  5. anyone got ‘credible’ sources?
    can youo verify those as ‘creditible’ from a ‘credible’ verifier?

    Terrible times we a livin’

  6. So people, Action Speaks Louder than Words! The Stockmarket lost as of TODAY 290 POINTS…Kiss your ASSES GOODBYE…The Depression has COME!

  7. I get it you are a funny guy, but do you actually have a thought of your own as to what is really going on in this country, if you don’t believe that this is real does that mean you think that the government is just so dumb that they have made every wrong move to collapse our economy by mistake? Either way I don’t think that you can argue that the government in anyway is capable of getting us out of the current mess we are in and if you can please do so.

  8. Am radio says it and there is no major news.. alex that u talk about..ALEX UR A JOKE and thats major news

  9. youtube blocks my videos about why things work but alex jones rocks on. why?

  10. Thanks Alex. I was a little miffed when it originally sounded to me like you thought there were no environmental problems. But, as you say, there *are* environmental problems, but the whole environmental movement has been hijacked.

  11. my comparison is valid, and stands.

    if the law was a feasible recourse, it would have gained some traction in the years since JFKs disclosure. As it stands, the law is doing exactly squat to prevent this, and everything to hasten it.

    People refused to cooperate with Stalin. They refused to cooperate with Hitler. Where did that get them?

    If your argument is that it’s better to go along peacefully than to stand up for yourself, then I wholeheartedly disagree with you.

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