STASI AMERICA — Civilian Spy Force — Alan Watt Back in the old days, everyone knew how to deal with spies and informants who worked for subversive, terrorist organizations, right? From Alan Watt’s December 22, 2010, broadcast. Listen to Alan’s talks and donate to him at

DHS Document: Occupy Towns, Take Out Citizens! Author William Grigg Reports

On the Tuesday, August 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with author William Norman Grigg. Mr, Grigg is a former senior editor at The New American and has authored numerous books, including Global Gun Grab, America’s Engineered Decline, and Liberty In Eclipse: The Rise of the Homeland Security State. He talks with Alex about the threat of surveillance drones and the growth of the police state. [Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future ] [Support infowars and spread the news]

Big Brother Test Runs Kill Switch On Patriot and Christian Radio – Jeff Bennett

Aired (where available) 2-10-2011. Simultaneous media black out occured for Patriot and Christian radio, shortwave and internet feeds for several hours accross the country. This just in from a youtube informer: Here’s a graph of the time from the Internet Traffic Report Scroll to the bottom for the past 24 hours and you will see from 1700 – 2100 the outage across the net. Additionally, you might want to research power outages at the same time… seems there were small outages of power around the same time (in the entire country). Then you might want to research reports that China hacked several into power companies (mainstream news, not fringe news). It wasn’t Obama on this one..

TSA Whistleblowers Tell All!

TSA supervisors turned whistleblowers has revealed to the Alex Jones Show how the federal agency is deliberately directing its staff to hire people with criminal records who exhibit violent tendencies and psychopathic behavior. Explaining how his job involved filing reports on other TSA screeners who didn’t follow procedure, “Rob” expressed his alarm at the fact that criminals were being hired who exhibited the behavior of “psycopaths.” “We have a program in the state of Rhode Island where we take prisoners who are out for non violent drug offenses and everything else — basically sociopaths — and we’re sending them to a ten day course and getting them out in uniform out checking people,” said the whistleblower. Rob added that people who seemed professional were disregarded in favor of applicants who had criminal records and displayed a tendency for megalomania and power trip behavior. “If they have a background and it’s something like violence or abusing authority we put them right in, we put them guys on the floor first day,” said Rob, adding he was also encouraged to hire Iraq war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. “It’s all about the power trip, it’s all about having people bug their eyes out at the public and getting the public conditioned to the fact that the police state is coming,” he added, noting how TSA screeners were directed to stick their chests out and “eyeball people.” As a recent report by Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn highlighted

Defense Contractors New Mission for DHS, Kill Americans!

He talks with a whistleblower from a major defense contractor who has details on the Department of Homeland Security’s effort to shift the war on terror from Muslims to fighting the American people.