Alex Jones – The Two Party Dictatorship

learn about how Obama is a frontman for the two party dictatorship.

9 thoughts on “Alex Jones – The Two Party Dictatorship”

  1. Oh stop it. Nobody does my thinking for me.

    For you to say “never trust any politician, ever” is stupid.

    There are always trustworthy people in any profession. There may be very few of them but it only takes one to prove that your statement is stupid, and wrong.

  2. “I know that our rights are being infringed on, our freedoms taken away, the truth hidden, justice ignored…but I refuse to believe that it is complete. It is NOT yet complete”

    I tried, I really tried. Grumpy,,, when will you recognize the first step they took on the slippery slope to remove your libertiesd?

    I tried, I really tried.

    I love the typical, “we have it better than other,,, blahblah” nonsense.

  3. you see the truth here but you have no change we are to strong you all will got our little ants

  4. “My father (the governments, politicians) is evil and wants to take over the world!”
    __Dr. Evil’s Son

    Careful, if we aren’t aware of our own proclivities to control, dominate (Big Daddyism) we will project it onto the people who fill our parental roles.

    We become the helpless child (one-down) and give them Power to be the persecutors (one-up).

    Step out of the game, become aware of the “Drama Triangle” where some needs to rescue us, where Bush, Obama, or Jones.

  5. You’re obviously not listening to anything I’m saying. I *know* they’ve taken the first step on the slippery slope to removing our liberties, I completely agree with that, but that doesn’t mean that we are totally helpless. Not yet.

    However, you are possibly the most despicable person in the world. Don’t you ever dare ignore what people say plainly, or put words in their mouth. Don’t do it. It doesn’t turn out well if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person.

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