28 thoughts on “Alex Jones Tv 2/2:Romans 13 “It’s of the Lord?””

  1. I was looking for the verse in the bible that predicts the one world government and can’t find it. Can you share that verse with me? Thanks

  2. go to 911missinglinks(dot)com

    they can stop us, but they cant stop the truth!!!!!

  3. So wouldn’t this just further prove that organized religion is a tool for mind control of society?

  4. Being able to see Alex’s face when he talks in his funny voices is alone worth the price of admission.

  5. No you don’t do everything the goverment says. When it conflicts with what God says you don’t do it!

  6. You just took the Zeitgeist argument and made it more wrong man! No worries… we still love you. search for Zeitgeist exposed and watch the series. Most of the sources can be traced back to Helena Blavatsky and Albert Pike… find out who they are and you’ll find out the truth behind that film.

    Also the god of the Koran is diametrically opposed the God of the bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ and who He was. Therefore, they cannot all = Lucifer if they oppose each other. Peace!

  7. God, please forgive those STUPID Americans for electing OBAMA bin Laden, after twice being stupid and electing George “Sieg Heil” Bush. Forgive your stupid children in the New Nazi America.

  8. The irony for those who put down Catholicism is that Catholic priests won’t be part of this government psy op.

  9. *****…their sending Federal Reserve representatives to schools? Well…if they get to mine im going to definitely talk em down.

  10. Wow. Look at all the Icke robots on the comment page here. You lambast those those who have faith in God but you yourselves follow a man of earth who believes aliens from the fourth dimension are behind the rulers of earth. You tell ME what sounds ridiculous.

  11. It seems to me republicans are hoping and praying for a terrorist attack to happen really soon. And dare I say, they might even be planning one.

  12. Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therfore love is the fullfilling of the law.

  13. ” you took the zietgeist argument and made it more wrong”

    You cant logically refute anything I’m saying. I’m saying the Bible and the Quran is based on the worship of LUCIFER more commonly called “the sun”. This is why Muslims are commanded to PRAY TO THE EAST. WHy when they are already in the east? Gee could it be because “THE SUN” rises in the EAST? Or why was pikes kkk orignally called KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE? What golden circle? Could it be the GOLDEN CIRCLE in the sky?

  14. i made a video about that just go to my page and you’ll see its the first 2

  15. This makes me laugh. In a sick way… ha-ha-ha how pathetic is humanity ha-ha-ha-ha… its like the world is so fucked its comical. sometimes we have to laugh at the problems at hand, for they are so…so retarded and unneeded and avoidable. Its like a fat man jumping into a truck on purpose. IT’S FUNNY! HAHAHAHAHA

  16. @B5R -if you’d stop watching YT and read more, you might know the difference between “lose” and “loose” – also, that authority quote is the title of a John Cougar Mellencamp song from when your parents were messing their diapers

  17. You’re video is way too interesting! haha pretty cool i might add. but yes, i hope that i see more videos like this ! you have some real interesting topics

  18. ok, so christians can do what they want. all those commandments and the subsections are for non christians. I’ve said that for years!

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