13 thoughts on “Alex Jones Tv 2/3:SPLC – Demonizing Americans”

  1. He did not seem to be very disturbed about it. Also forgot to mention that they changed their outfits colors to match those of the US army’s.. ie. darker in color.

  2. It was off-handed. That said I imagined an Eagle with its wings broken, lame and unable to fly. The eagle being the US. It seems maybe our wings have been clipped in the USA and we are broken and in danger of being eaten by the Beast….

  3. I hear the old west was the peak of our freedom.

    I’m not a cowboy, but it seemed cool with how they carried guns and actually were protected by ‘A’ CONSTITUTION.

    Please God, help us!

  4. did they have Ron Paul supporters on the old one? LOL! Did it say anything about bumper stickers? Lol!

  5. I feel so sorry for te families and the police themselves that got killed, but its wrong for them to attack Alex because so unstable person goes not, Alex never talks about violence, I’ve listened to him for 5 years almost everyday, ***** I painted my parents house listening to him, I do my chores listening to him, he doesn’t approve of callers that talk about getting violent, so NWO lovers stop trying, you look lamer then lame

  6. It made no sense, sucked *****, wasn’t funny, edgy or new. Or original. Animation, characters, voice acting sucked *****-slathered ****** in Hell. But you manage to make it through the whole pile of steaming ***** just to see the end. Because that’s what this video is about. There’s nothing else to it. Just the ***** at the end. It’s a ******** ***** video.

  7. Alex,if you see this,could you please look into the documentary they sold thier souls for rock and roll! Then maybe a little switch up in music if possible! Hey I like music too,but not if it was meant to send a different message subliminally!
    There is a war on for our souls as well as our minds!
    -sincerely a huge fan-

    Oh and thanks dave for all you do sir!

  8. Can someone please send me that pdf file. If someone has it please send me a message I would enjoy reading it for myself. I searched google and only Alex’s site comes up. I also did several other searches to no avail.

  9. Alex did on his own videos
    other videos still have thumb ups and downs 🙂

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