Evolution of Presidents

won’t believe the transition from George Bush into our new, transformational president Barack Obama. What a future awaits us all with such a man! … evolution “past presidents” president “evolution of presidents” patriotic usa “america the beautiful” “Spirit of America” patriot “stars and stripes” “stars & stripes” “july 4th” “fourth of july” “united states” “hail to the chief” pride patriots “White House” whitehouse “obama inauguration” “all the presidents” “barack obama” “george bush …

The Synthetist Mission – Two Types of People

The Synthetist Mission – Two Types of People A new way to live , a new life for you, a new world for us all. … Civilizational Transformation Spiritual Development new way to live life for you world us all Deepak chopra adyashanti nisargadatta maharaj sri aurobindo ravi shanker fritjof capra stan grof The Synthetist Mission

Mysterious Origins of Man #1-3 plus Bonus Material [NBC 1996] YT LINK – [300+ min]

creationism, even though some of the “experts” and arguments are familiar to readers of scientific creationist literature. Instead, just as scientific creationism is an attempt to use science to support fundamentalist Christianity, Mysterious Origins is apparently an attempt to use science to support Hinduism. Much of the material in the program is based on the contents of two books, Forbidden Archeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, both of …