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Is the new world order real? You can bet your bottom dollar it is! We are literally just a few short years away from the completion of the plan to centralize global power to control the affairs of the whole planet, all from under one roof that is filled with unelected, totalitarian bureaucrats. What is wrong with that, you may rightfully ask? Well, on the face of it, a global government sounds like a reasonable idea. But it can ONLY work in the favor of the people of this planet if…and ONLY if… the people who control the new world order are nothing less than angels. If the person at the very top of new world order is God himself, and the government is comprised of God’s chosen angels, then I would be somewhat comfortable with that idea. But if the people who set up and run the new world order are comprised of liars and war profiteers then I don’t want to know. In fact I would go one step further and suggest that any global government that is run by human beings can only spell disaster for everyone else on the planet. Regardless of how well-meaning they are. When the world is controlled by one small group of people, all of your options are gone. If you don’t like what the New World Order is doing, you can’t vote them out. And immigrating to another country will be useless because the New World Order will control every country. You will therefore be trapped in a prison planet with no freedoms other than the liberties granted to you by the fascist elite. The fact that

Illuminati Symbolism in Manchester, England Part 2

The second part of a series of videos exposing the hidden illuminati symbolism that is all around the Greater Manchester Area in England. This video includes Arch symbolism as well as their Pyramid obsessions – with eye opening Pyramids both hidden and in plain sight. For more information and opinion please visit my blog: www.illuminati-manchester.blogspot.com e-mail me any pics or videos that you think I might be able to use in the future at: illuminati.manchester@gmail.com

The Peterloo Massacre – An Illuminati Crime

On the 16th of August 1819 the huge open area around what’s now St Peters Square, Manchester, played host to an outrage against over 60000 peaceful pro-democracy and anti-poverty protesters; an event which became known as The Peterloo Massacre. An estimated 18 people, including a woman and a child, died from saber cuts and trampling. Over 700 men, women and children received extremely serious injuries. All in the name of liberty and freedom from poverty. This was a pre-planned assault against defenceless Men, women and children. Why else would 600 Hussars, several hundred infantrymen; an artillery unit with two six-pounder guns, 400 men of the Cheshire cavalry and 400 special constables be waiting to attack this peaceful demonstration against tyranny? You can Visit my Blog for updates, further information and perspectives. www.illuminati-manchester.blogspot.com/ If you have any material you think I might be able to use in future projects, photo’s, videos etc – please e-mail me illuminati.manchester@gmail.com