See also * Grigori * Edomites * Kenites * Serpent seed * David Icke * Michael S. Heiser * Targum Onkelos * Chuck Missler * Sir Laurence Gardner * Nephilim (film) … David Icke Gods UFO Aliens Bloodline Politics President NWO Fascism Nazi North American Union
5 thoughts on “Ruled by the Gods with David Icke 9”
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also check out stewart swerdlow
Barrack Obama???
It is absolutely everywhere! All around us. And people don’t see it. It is as if they are under a hypnotic spell or something. Mention the NWO sometime and watch peoples eyes glaze over.
im started to think scion (car) is zion have a linked to leonardo di vinci grand master of the “prior of scion”? im just thinking deep here.
IS Illuminati!