Full Story of The Reptilian Manipulation of Humanity – David Icke 1

Show your website logo in this videos. +120.000 views in the last 10 days (all videos/channel!) Today in soshumanidade all about latest noticed real true amazing phenomenon extraterrestrial ufo next generation caugth on tape footage sightings 2012 anunnaki nibiru planet x bizarre airship…

Who Built the Moon?

Are The Moon Artificial? : www.youtube.com Ancient Aliens: www.youtube.com We Don’t Really Know How It Came To Be There In The First Place. Its Existence Has Been Pivotal To The Development Of Life On Earth. Only 1/81st Part The Mass Of The Earth, Despite It’s Known For Certain That The Moon Is Made From Exactly The Same Sort Of Rock As the Earth. The Most Significant Of these Is The Moon’s Ability To Sxactly Cover The Face Of The Sun At The Time Of Total Eclipse. This Is Possible Because The Moon Is ‘Exactly’ 1/400th Part Of The Size Of The Sun And Also That Its Orbit Takes It To A Position 1/400th Of The Distance Between The Earth And The Sun. You Alvays View tHE Same Side Of The Moon !

David Icke The Lizards and the Jews 1

Show your website logo in this videos. +120.000 views in the last 10 days (all videos/channel!) Go to channel soshumanidade watch all about prophecy maya 2012 peace anunnaki nibiru planet x ufo ovni alien illuminati nwo haarp maia ecologia aquecimento global alerta amazonia tsunami terremoto extincao politica ciencia brasil eleicao copa 2010 bbb


extraterrestrials (aka “angels”?), who were an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500000 years. Laurence Gardner reduces this to more on the order of 50000 years, and notes specifically that the Anunnaki were not immortal. Sitchin and Gardner also disagree on the date of the Great Deluge/Flood; Sitchin assuming a time frame of 11000 BCE, while Gardner assumes one of 4000 BCE … 3600 year orbit planet nibiru sitchin 2012 pole shift anunnaki alien race ufo illuminati …

Were the Anunnaki the Nephilim in the Bible?

extraterrestrials (aka “angels”?), who were an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500000 years. Laurence Gardner reduces this to more on the order of 50000 years, and notes specifically that the Anunnaki were not immortal. Sitchin and Gardner also disagree on the date of the Great Deluge/Flood; Sitchin assuming a time frame of 11000 BCE, while Gardner assumes one of 4000 BCE … 3600 year orbit planet nibiru sitchin 2012 pole shift anunnaki alien race ufo illuminati …