C2CAM – 2011.11.30 – Mars & Phobos

Coast to Coast AM Mars & Phobos Date: 11-30-11 Host: George Noory Guests: Richard C. Hoagland, Jerome Corsi [Quick Info] C2C Science Advisor and head of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, will discuss the latest American and Russian unmanned efforts to reach Mars. He’ll also talk about NASA’s “Curiosity” rover, the next generation of massive robotic spacecraft, and the inner Martian moon and the possibility it’s more likely to be “an ancient ET spaceship” than an actual natural moon. [Full Info] C2C Science Advisor and head of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, discussed the latest American and Russian unmanned efforts to reach Mars and what may be the true nature of those missions. He suggested that the agenda behind the Russian Phobos-Grunt craft is not to travel to the Martian inner moon, but to actually journey to the YU55 asteroid that recently passed by Earth. He theorized that the Russians are interested in this object because it is not merely an asteroid, but is actually a craft. The origins of this craft, Hoagland said, could be from an ancient civilization that once populated the galaxy but was destroyed in a massive war. While the dueling Martian missions of the US and Russia may appear to be a new space race, Hoagland put forward the idea that it is really “a covert cooperation with the illusion of a competition.” In this scenario, he said, the Russians are hoping to land their craft on the YU55 and take samples of it. Meanwhile, the

Crowely Parsons NASA Occult Connection (Short Clip)

Sections of this documentary contains material that is subject to “Fair Use” for educational purposes as per Copyright Act of 1976, 17 USC § 107. Here is a brief but interesting clip from the Richard Hoagland Parsons Crowley NASA & the Occult series which can be found by youtube search. The Illuminati Occult that rules the world believe that we are evolving in to gods.

NASA Secrets Revealed – Donna Hare (Disclosure Project Witness)

Donna Hare: Former NASA Employee, November 2000 Donna Hare had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard information from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this they were threatened. GOVERNMENT INSIDERS/ NASA/ DEEP INSIDERS www.disclosureproject.org

possible proof of weather manipulation at secret government facility – full disclosure – top secret!

–STOP–ufo hunters^^4130 case id #112-11–STOP– possible proof of weather manipulation at hidden government facility – full disclosure – top secret! HOT!


if you want to see the full movie click in this link www.youtube.com Discover the history of the celestial object that reportedly heralded the birth of Jesus, and explore the various points of view that label the star variously as a myth, a natural phenomenon, and a true miracle. Sinopsys Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Is it possible that the star was a real, astronomical event? From producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) and distributed by Genius Entertainment comes an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem. This presentation, as seen by tens of thousands in the US and in Europe, explores the exciting truth of scripture and reveals the evidence for God’s existence as seen in the stars above. Presenter Rick Larson walks you through biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of this celestial event as well as the vastness of God’s creativity. Discover the secret of the star-a secret of magnificent beauty. This documentary is fascinating and meticulously researched. Frederick A. Larson, a lawyer, became interested in the history of the star of Bethlehem, and did extensive examining of the facts. He relied on biblical texts, Jewish historians such as Josephus, and astronomers and constellation experts such as Johames Kepler and Copernicus. Using astronomy software, he went back in time to the period in which the Eastern Star