Just thought I’d combine some clips from “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” to this upbeat song. :’D Kind of matches Haruhi, too. ^_^ Anyway, enjoy~ Disclaimer: This video is purely fan-made and is no way associated with the creator(s) of the art, manga, and anime. Did I say that right? Oo Song: Leave It All to Me Artist: Miranda Crossgrove feat. Drake Bell Lyrics: In five, four, three, two… I know you see somehow the world will change to me and be so wonderful. Live life, breathe air I …
Tag: bell
California!” (Thomas lived near Vancouver, British Columbia). Although I had a number of articles about the NWO and their dark Machiavellian agendas posted at my web site, I was now witnessing (and breathing in) the stark reality of those depopulation plans. The NWO was no longer just words on the printed page. Chemtrail spraying seems to be heaviest and most constant over North America and most countries of western Europe. Some countries in Asia are being sprayed (Japan and Korea), but the …
secret teachings of all ages pt100
awsome book by manly palmer hall. coverted to audio book by realeducation23
KRS ONE feat. BEAST “ALL CITY KINGS” NEW!! (FALLEN ANGEL of the Temple of Hip Hop)
This is for all the Graffers and Bombers out there KRS ONE and his Ode to Graf “All City Kings” FEAT. BEAST i love that hes on this hes my favorite from the temple of Hip Hop I Love THIS
Project Truth (May 8, 2009)
sitchin, travis walton, richard hoagland, norio hayakawa, government experiments, bermuda triangle, dragons triangle … “911 truth” mason illuminati DUMBs chemtrails UFO builderburg bohemian club area 51 flouride aspartame david icke art bell bob lazar bill cooper phil schneider george noory clifford stone richard hoagland nazca lines georgia guidestones RFID chip alister crowley travis walton graham hancock zach sitchin aaron russo norio hayakawa USO bermuda triangle dragon FEMA denver air …