Michael Tsarion – Reptilian Illuminati Bloodlines And The New World Order

He supports the same reptilian idea like David Icke… many researchers are coming to the same conclusions these days. … Annunaki Shapeshifter Lizard Gods Chitauri Credo Mutwa Armin Risi David Icke Royal Families Illuminati Bloodlines Reptiles Egypt Sumer Babylon Ancient History Erich Von Däniken Daniken Greys UFOs Aliens NWO Neue Weltordnung Jan Van Helsing Swine Flu Climate Change Financial Crisis Conspiracy Verschwörung Zeitgeist Esoteric Agenda All Seeing Eyes The Watcher …

Illuminati TV Spot – Mister Moloch And His Family Plus The All Seeing Eye

Illuminati TV Spots Playlist: www.youtube.com I´m sorry, I will do no descriptions for the spots anymore, so you must get the symbols at your own. Comment your observations and feelings if you want.

Conspiritus – The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy 6/6

there are already countless examples that paint a very convincing picture. I have done some research into this area and I believe it deserves some merit, but I havent seen enough evidence to convince me 100% that the phenomenon exists. UFOs and Aliens: I certainly believe that we are not alone in this universe. We would have to be completely small-minded to think that out of all the real estate out there in this vast universe, this small speck of dust called Earth is the only planet that has …

Conspiritus – The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy 5/6

there are already countless examples that paint a very convincing picture. I have done some research into this area and I believe it deserves some merit, but I havent seen enough evidence to convince me 100% that the phenomenon exists. UFOs and Aliens: I certainly believe that we are not alone in this universe. We would have to be completely small-minded to think that out of all the real estate out there in this vast universe, this small speck of dust called Earth is the only planet that has …

Conspiritus – The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy 4/6

there are already countless examples that paint a very convincing picture. I have done some research into this area and I believe it deserves some merit, but I havent seen enough evidence to convince me 100% that the phenomenon exists. UFOs and Aliens: I certainly believe that we are not alone in this universe. We would have to be completely small-minded to think that out of all the real estate out there in this vast universe, this small speck of dust called Earth is the only planet that has …