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Are The Moon Artificial? Folow LINKS! : www.youtube.com Ancient Aliens: www.youtube.com We Don’t Really Know How It Came To Be There In The First Place. Its Existence Has Been Pivotal To The Development Of Life On Earth. Only 1/81st Part The Mass Of The Earth, Despite It’s Known For Certain That The Moon Is Made From Exactly The Same Sort Of Rock As the Earth. The Most Significant Of these Is The Moon’s Ability To Sxactly Cover The Face Of The Sun At The Time Of Total Eclipse. This Is Possible Because The Moon Is ‘Exactly’ 1/400th Part Of The Size Of The Sun And Also That Its Orbit Takes It To A Position 1/400th Of The Distance Between The Earth And The Sun. You Alvays View tHE Same Side Of The Moon !
Dinosaur Media Heats up Ron Paul Smear Campaign
Ron Paul’s astounding rise in the polls and his first place lead as the GOP heads for Iowa and the first caucus in January of 2012. www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.com
Darth Vader Choke Weapons! Internet Kill Switch, Obama’s Watergate, & More: Infowars Nightly News
Infowars Nightly News will cover a brief history of the current president’s lies to those who have blindly supported him, including promises to close Guantanamo, oust the rule of lobbyist’s in Washington, create transparency, particularly on hot-button issues like health care negotiations and his latest act of pandering– empty promises to veto the NDAA legislation when his own administration crafted the un-American legislation entered into the final bill. Also in play are observers who see the fallout over the Fast & Furious scandal as Obama’s Watergate. While the entire affair of ‘walking’ guns to Mexican cartels and gangs, who’ve otherwise been facilitated by the Feds and Wall Street powers, is contemptible, it is likely that the evidence of cover-up and lies on the part of Obama’s cabinet will be the most damning. As with Nixon, the fallout will, with all probability, come over who knew what and when. Certainly, Attorney General Eric Holder has thus far been less than forthcoming with Congress’ investigation. Will it trail all the way back to Obama himself? It has also emerged that the FBI lied about mobile phone tracking software, after assuring Congress that it had not sought out data from Carrier IQ when the firm says otherwise. The IQ Agent software has been shown to log keystrokes and messages sent by smartphones. Other stories to be covered on this special edition of the Infowars Nightly News include: www.prisonplanet.tv
Terrorist Congress Declares War on American People
Aaron Dykes Host tonights Infowars Nightly News. Aaron breaks down the recent passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. Aaron looks back on the interview that Alex Jones just did this past Thursday with patriot, 2nd amendment advocate, Stewart rhodes of Oath Keepers. Darrin McBreen, Our Man on The Street, ask the people what they think of the passing of the NDAA Bill by the Senate. ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 Americans completely stripped of all rights under Section 1031 Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Friday, December 2, 2011 The Senate last night codified into law the power of the US military to indefinitely detain an American citizen with no charge, no trial and no oversight whatsoever with the passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. One amendment that would have specifically blocked the measures from being used against US citizens was voted down and the final bill was passed 93-7. Another amendment introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein that attempted to bar the provision from being used on American soil, an effort to ensure “the military won’t be roaming our streets looking for suspected terrorists,” also failed, although Feinstein voted in favor of the bill anyway. www.infowars.com