Five Things 11.19.2010 – Harry Potter! Killjoys! Girl Talk! T Give!

Just when I thought I didn’t have enough material for this weeks episode, I end up breaking the eight minute mark again. Sorry about that – I hope you guys really like me. Happy Thanksgiving! (America.) Five Things for November 19, 2010: 1. Harry Potter trailer: 2. “Na Na Na Na” My Chemical Romance music video: Entire album: 3. Download “All Day”: Why the industry won’t sue Girl Talk: 4. “You Look Like Sh*t”: 5. Here are the videos I used: George Winston: Stop Motion video: Fred (Do not watch this): Eli Roth’s “Thanksgiving” fake trailer: Red vs Blue Thanksgiving PSA: Don’t forget to Like me and Subscribe! I’m still working on new T shirt stuff. Maybe next week? Less than three you guys.

WW3? Obama Getting His Ducks in a Row White house links below!

WW3? Obama Getting His Ducks in a Row White house links below! National Defense Authorization Act NDAA National Defense Resources Preparedness NDRP Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions Ww3 wwiii world war 3 iii iran nuclear war syria weapons of mass destruction chemical biological economic collapse emergency ndaa ndaa ndrp ndrp presidential president take over all communications television tv tv radio internet cell phones kill switch national emergency alert system test mobile power fema camps camp fema hr 1540 dollar economy executive orders president obama barrack barry sotore soetoro joe arpaio birther birth certificate america germany

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark [full] : Laurence Gardner ~ Monatomic Gold Powder (high-spun metals)

Since his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, was published in February 2003, best-selling author Sir Laurence Gardner has been giving worldwide lectures about the rediscovery of arcane knowledge-in particular, the extraordinary powers of white powder gold. When gold and platinum-group metals are transformed into the monatomic state, a fine white powder is produced. This substance was used by pharaohs and kings of the ancient world. It was also part of the secret knowledge of mediaeval alchemy and the Knights Templar. Research on this has been forging ahead, and some amazing properties of high-spin monatomic elements have now been scientifically confirmed. This has huge and potentially revolutionary implications. Humanity now has within its reach a potential cure for cancer without drugs or surgery, an environment-friendly alternative to fossil fuels, a means to transform human consciousness, the possibility of low or zero-gravity flight, space travel by manipulation of space-time, and access to other dimensions

Illuminati TV Spot – Get Poisoned By Coca Cola At Our Yearly Sect Festival

TV Spots Playlist: I´m sorry, I will do no descriptions for the spots anymore, so you must get the symbols at your own. Comment your observations and feelings if you want. … New World Order Religon Babylon Christianity Poison Chemical Drug Sugar Coffein Aspartam Brainwash Health Body Computer NWO Neue Weltordnung Werbung Commercial Ad Obselisks Lightbringer Lightmaster All Seeing Eye Illusion Matrix David Icke Michael Tsarion Symbolism Symbols Obvious Videodactyle Alex …