Hidden History of the Human Race..
Tag: consciousness
Moses Awyan – LOVING LIVING LIGHT – Wake up message to the world PART 1 of 2
Part 1. My beautiful brother Moses Awyan, SUN OF (LIVING LIGHT) Abdel Hakeem, wake up message to the world recorded at the family gallery near the Sphinx, Naslet El Saman, Egypt in November 2010 just before the uprising in Cairo, January of 2011. I LOVE YOU ALL LOVE LOVE ALL YOU ARE THE LIGHT WHAT IS IT ?
Blue Apples (Stargate 2012 Wormholes) by William Henry DVD1 (4/6)
Mirrored from bangonitdave
After 6 years of taking a rest, Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawai at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. Introduction is done by Dr. Michael Salla.
www.blogtalkradio.com www.platformforthefuture.com www.tenebroust-thestenchoftruth.blogspot.com Michael Cremo joins me for a discussion on human antiquity and devolution. We devote much of our discussion of his latest work “The Forbidden Archeologist”. You can find more about Michael Cremo at the following websites www.forbiddenarcheology.com mcremo.com His books are available from all good bookstores.