Alex Collier – Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008 2/8

After 6 years of taking a rest, Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is a conference that took place in Hawai at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. Introduction is done by Dr. Michael Salla. … alex collier andromeda et mothership alien UFO space consciousness science new ways modern society shift 2012 starseeds future DNA contacts

Alex Collier – Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008 1/8

After 6 years of taking rest, Alex Collier is back now to continue spreading the information given by the Andromedans to him. This is the conference that took place in Hawai at Exopolitics Earth Transformation in May 2008. Introduction was done by Dr. Michael Salla. … alex collier andromeda et mothership alien UFO space consciousness science new ways modern society shift 2012 starseeds future DNA contacts

Song “Stranger Than Fiction” with quotes by Michael Tsarion.

Michael Tsarion is a controversial author and alternative historian ( I sampled quotes of his from various radio programs which he was on and put them to a beat that I composed along with some pictures for added effect. Enjoy!

secret teachings of all ages pt106

awsome book by manly palmer hall. coverted to audio book by realeducation23

secret teachings of all ages pt100

awsome book by manly palmer hall. coverted to audio book by realeducation23