MSM Conditioning Public for “White” Domestic Terrorist with Shootings

UPDATE: A family member whose parents were victims of the shooting said his parents told him there were “multiple shooters” involved in a “coordinated” attack. An eyewitness to the Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin says that a team of four men dressed in black carried out the massacre, contradicting the official narrative that a lone gunman was the culprit. Original Clip: RELATED: Sikh Temple Shooting: Get Ready For “Hate Crime” Propaganda – Just like the ‘Batman’ massacre, after which eyewitnesses clearly stated that James Holmes had an accomplice, today’s tragedy in Oak Creek is already throwing up questions that may suggest a wider plot. Speaking with the Associated Press, an eyewitness stated, “Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation.” With the federal government already labeling the shootings a “domestic terror incident,” the narrative is already being manufactured to blame the tragedy on conservatives and libertarians, as well as demonizing the second amendment. President Barack Obama is already positioning himself to politically exploit the incident. Top Democratic strategists have previously welcomed the prospect of domestic terror incidents as a means of boosting Obama’s poll numbers and helping him re-connect with the American people. by Paul Joseph Watson

Defense Contractors New Mission for DHS, Kill Americans!

He talks with a whistleblower from a major defense contractor who has details on the Department of Homeland Security’s effort to shift the war on terror from Muslims to fighting the American people.

ALAN WATT: World Smart Grid, The Rise Of Technocracy And Global Fascism

From Alan’s July 5 and July 11, 2011 broadcasts. Listen to Alan’s talks and donate to him at

Obama Impeachment Bill Goes Viral!

Alex speaks with Congressman Walter B. Jones, Jr. about H.CON.RES.107 — a bill that deems the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

Darth Vader Choke Weapons! Internet Kill Switch, Obama’s Watergate, & More: Infowars Nightly News

Infowars Nightly News will cover a brief history of the current president’s lies to those who have blindly supported him, including promises to close Guantanamo, oust the rule of lobbyist’s in Washington, create transparency, particularly on hot-button issues like health care negotiations and his latest act of pandering– empty promises to veto the NDAA legislation when his own administration crafted the un-American legislation entered into the final bill. Also in play are observers who see the fallout over the Fast & Furious scandal as Obama’s Watergate. While the entire affair of ‘walking’ guns to Mexican cartels and gangs, who’ve otherwise been facilitated by the Feds and Wall Street powers, is contemptible, it is likely that the evidence of cover-up and lies on the part of Obama’s cabinet will be the most damning. As with Nixon, the fallout will, with all probability, come over who knew what and when. Certainly, Attorney General Eric Holder has thus far been less than forthcoming with Congress’ investigation. Will it trail all the way back to Obama himself? It has also emerged that the FBI lied about mobile phone tracking software, after assuring Congress that it had not sought out data from Carrier IQ when the firm says otherwise. The IQ Agent software has been shown to log keystrokes and messages sent by smartphones. Other stories to be covered on this special edition of the Infowars Nightly News include: