
www.mediafire.com 2011 07-09 Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: Maj. Ed Dames on TMRN Radio www.learnrv.com www.urbansurvival.com www.halfpasthuman.com www.webbotforum.com


Planet x talk With Steve Quayle..The program in the video is EARTHQUAKE 3D showing EarthQuakes around the globe in just the past week 4.0 mag being the Min. news.yahoo.com stevequayle.com www.returnofplanet-x.com stevequayle.com www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com theintelhub.com www.fbo.gov www.fbodaily.com www.palmbeachpost.com modernsurvivalblog.com bigwobblenews.blogspot.com www.sott.net www.nogalesinternational.com www.foxnews.com rabbithole2.com online.wsj.com news.blogs.cnn.com www.upi.com www.malaya.com.ph beta.toledoblade.com www.hurriyetdailynews.com news.yahoo.com www.thisislincolnshire.co.uk www.earth-issues.com www.impactlab.net www.fema.gov www.jpl.nasa.gov www.cnn.com www.themercury.com.au www.livinginperu.com www.theweathernetwork.com www.huffingtonpost.com www.msnbc.msn.com www.cfnews13.com

DARPA Time Travel 1

DARPA Time Travel Date: 05-17-1 Host: George Noory Guests: Andrew D. Basiago, Michael Murphy In the first half, attorney Andrew D. Basiago shared an update on his truth campaign involving time travel technologies. In discussing a recent news story about DARPA’s advancement in video surveillance that could end public anonymity, he declared that “DARPA had far surpassed the performance of this kind of technology 40 years ago when I was serving on Project Pegasus” (as a child). He believe we’re being prepared for the eventual truth about chronovision(technology to view past or future events), as well as teleportation into different times. The chronovisor, he explained, “generates a hologram of a past or future event…by driving an electromagnetic signal through an octagonal, an eight-sided array of bismuth crystals.” Basiago admitted that he hasn’t seen the technologies since 1972(when he left the program), and they may have been shelved, but he added we do have some clues that chronovision persisted and was implemented by the US intelligence community. For more, see recaps from his show appearances on 11/11/09, and 11/11/10. He also be doing a speaking engagement this weekend in Los Angeles—————–

05/09 ~ Maj. Ed Dames TMRN 2011 07-09 Time Monk Radio Interviews Present: Maj. Ed Dames

www.mediafire.com 2011 07-09 Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: Maj. Ed Dames on TMRN Radio www.learnrv.com www.urbansurvival.com www.halfpasthuman.com www.webbotforum.com

Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins 1/3

Alex talks with author and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi about the Obama birth certificate fiasco. Corsi is the author of Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, now available at the Infowars Store. In the book, Corsi assembles evidence that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of the presidency and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to avoid providing the American people with something as simple as a long-form birth certificate. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com