
Fausto Delle Chiaie (Roma, 1944) è un artista italiano formatosi secondo le suggestioni della Pop art, dell’Arte informale, dell’Arte povera. Fausto Delle Chiaie È autore di un Manifesto Infrazionista (1986), che spiega l’«infra-azione» come una «azione-collocazione-donazione di una o più opere, mostrate a terra da parte dell’artista, nei luoghi dell’arte, e il suo susseguente allontanamento dall’opera e dal luogo. L’Infrazione è mostrare ed evidenziare la storia vista in maniera superficiale, è il grido d’allarme artistico del malessere storico; dell’accecamento del semplice e dell’umile. L’Infrazione nasce dalla privazione della realtà visiva d’agire-pensare-fare. È la goccia che trabocca e vuole vivere con l’acqua». Delle Chiaie introduce così di nascosto le proprie opere negli spazi espositivi scegliendo dove collocarle. Nel 1987 mostra le sue opere “multifigurative” al pubblico appoggiandole sulla salita del Pincio. Il pubblico, così come egli stesso, diventa anche custode dell’opera; l’artista vive delle offerte spontanee dei visitatori. Negli anni 1987-1989 sceglierà come spazio espositivo la Galleria Sciarra, a partire dal 1989 la Piazza Augusto Imperatore. Attualmente, visti i lavori di ristrutturazione che stanno interessando Piazza Augusto Imperatore, espone davanti al Museo Napoleonico di Roma. Nel corso della sua carriera, Delle Chiaie ha esposto in Italia e all’estero; ha effettuato performance ed installazioni a Bruxelles tra il 1982 e il 1984, a Limerick

Vatican Prepares for Annunaki Disclosure

The Kindle Edition will be FREE for a few days. Check with Amazon first please. www.amazon.com Astronauts & Researchers Debunks NASA UFO Cover-Up Is DR David Morrison, nothing more than a NASA public relations spokesman? www.createspace.com About Richard Hoagland is former staff lecturer and Curator of Astronomy and Space Science at the Springfield Museum of Science in Massachusetts. He subsequently was Assistant Director of the Gengars Science Center and the Planetarium at Children`s Museum, Hartford, Conn., and deviced several major programs to modernize planetariums in the US His innovations include techniques described as “a major breakthrough in the field of planetarium programming and simulation ” in the journal Sky and Telescope. A writer and lecturer, Mr. Hoagland is a consultant on astronomy and space science to museums, planetaria, and the aerospace and broadcasting industries. Richard C. Hoagland, founder of The Enterprise Mission www.enterprisemission.com Recipient of the Angstrom Medal www.enterprisemission.com Co-creator of the “Pioneer Plaque www.enterprisemission.com originator of the “Europa Proposal www.enterprisemission.com Former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite. Author of “The Monuments of Mars www.enterprisemission.com The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin www.sitchin.com Zecharia Featured in The New York Times www.nytimes.com Richard Hoagland Enterprise Mission www.enterprisemission.com Historic Evidence : Robert Sepehr’s research

DARPA Time Travel 6

DARPA Time Travel Date: 05-17-1 Host: George Noory Guests: Andrew D. Basiago, Michael Murphy In the first half, attorney Andrew D. Basiago shared an update on his truth campaign involving time travel technologies. In discussing a recent news story about DARPA’s advancement in video surveillance that could end public anonymity, he declared that “DARPA had far surpassed the performance of this kind of technology 40 years ago when I was serving on Project Pegasus” (as a child). He believe we’re being prepared for the eventual truth about chronovision(technology to view past or future events), as well as teleportation into different times. The chronovisor, he explained, “generates a hologram of a past or future event…by driving an electromagnetic signal through an octagonal, an eight-sided array of bismuth crystals.” Basiago admitted that he hasn’t seen the technologies since 1972(when he left the program), and they may have been shelved, but he added we do have some clues that chronovision persisted and was implemented by the US intelligence community. For more, see recaps from his show appearances on 11/11/09, and 11/11/10. He also be doing a speaking engagement this weekend in Los Angeles—————–

DARPA Time Travel 3

DARPA Time Travel Date: 05-17-1 Host: George Noory Guests: Andrew D. Basiago, Michael Murphy In the first half, attorney Andrew D. Basiago shared an update on his truth campaign involving time travel technologies. In discussing a recent news story about DARPA’s advancement in video surveillance that could end public anonymity, he declared that “DARPA had far surpassed the performance of this kind of technology 40 years ago when I was serving on Project Pegasus” (as a child). He believe we’re being prepared for the eventual truth about chronovision(technology to view past or future events), as well as teleportation into different times. The chronovisor, he explained, “generates a hologram of a past or future event…by driving an electromagnetic signal through an octagonal, an eight-sided array of bismuth crystals.” Basiago admitted that he hasn’t seen the technologies since 1972(when he left the program), and they may have been shelved, but he added we do have some clues that chronovision persisted and was implemented by the US intelligence community. For more, see recaps from his show appearances on 11/11/09, and 11/11/10. He also be doing a speaking engagement this weekend in Los Angeles—————–

Richard C. Hoagland News Life on Titan, Space Travel and Jupiter`s Asteroid Strike

About Richard Hoagland is former staff lecturer and Curator of Astronomy and Space Science at the Springfield Museum of Science in Massachusetts. He subsequently was Assistant Director of the Gengars Science Center and the Planetarium at Children`s Museum, Hartford, Conn., and deviced several major programs to modernize planetariums in the US His innovations include techniques described as “a major breakthrough in the field of planetarium programming and simulation ” in the journal Sky and Telescope. A writer and lecturer, Mr. Hoagland is a consultant on astronomy and space science to museums, planetaria, and the aerospace and broadcasting industries. Richard C. Hoagland, founder of The Enterprise Mission www.enterprisemission.com Recipient of the Angstrom Medal www.enterprisemission.com Co-creator of the “Pioneer Plaque www.enterprisemission.com originator of the “Europa Proposal www.enterprisemission.com Former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite. Author of “The Monuments of Mars www.enterprisemission.com