The Mystery of the Star of Bethlehem .mp4

if you want to see the full movie click in this link Discover the history of the celestial object that reportedly heralded the birth of Jesus, and explore the various points of view that label the star variously as a myth, a natural phenomenon, and a true miracle. Sinopsys Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Is it possible that the star was a real, astronomical event? From producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) and distributed by Genius Entertainment comes an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem. This presentation, as seen by tens of thousands in the US and in Europe, explores the exciting truth of scripture and reveals the evidence for God’s existence as seen in the stars above. Presenter Rick Larson walks you through biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of this celestial event as well as the vastness of God’s creativity. Discover the secret of the star-a secret of magnificent beauty. This documentary is fascinating and meticulously researched. Frederick A. Larson, a lawyer, became interested in the history of the star of Bethlehem, and did extensive examining of the facts. He relied on biblical texts, Jewish historians such as Josephus, and astronomers and constellation experts such as Johames Kepler and Copernicus. Using astronomy software, he went back in time to the period in which the Eastern Star

UFO, Fastwalkers, Testimony of Charles Hall On The Upper White 2011, There are foreigners? HD.mp4

Charles Hall claims to have seen and interact with an alien race which he describes as the “High White” while serving in the Nellis Air Force Base as a meteorologist from 1965 to 1967. In his book series, “Millennium Home”, he describes his experience as a fiction. However, in a series of interviews, he said that the experiences were real and that the US Air Force in fact, had descended with aliens who have signed agreements in 1950. In this segment of the documentary “Fastwalkers Charles Hall gave a brief description of the physical appearance of the Tall White extraterrestrials, his experience as a meteorologist in the Air Force Base in Indian Springs, Nellis, and military ties in the case . Also included Dr. Michael Salla comments on the importance of the complainants and the information they provide. ———————————————————————————————————– Charles Hall affirme avoir vu et d’interagir avec une race extraterrestre qu’il décrit comme la “High blanc” tout en servant dans la Force de Nellis Air Base en tant que météorologiste de 1965 à 1967. Dans sa série de livres, “millénaire d’accueil”, il décrit son expérience en tant que fiction. Toutefois, dans une série d’interviews, il dit que les expériences étaient réelles et que la US Air Force en fait, était descendu avec des extraterrestres qui ont signé des accords dans les années 1950. Dans ce segment du documentaire “Fastwalkers” Charles Hall a donné une

Galactic Times: Earth Report (Ep. 1)

Episode 1: News of Earth being broadcast to the entire Milky Way Galaxy, hosted by Leery Thomas and assisted by Trudy Spheron, with on-the-scene reports by RT. The focus of this series of special reports is on the new human science of remote viewing. The Galaxy is watching as Earth heads toward the “Event.” (Episode 1 release date: 29 January 2011) A production of A new type of motion-picture entertainment design, even better than science fiction. Remote-viewing “edutainent,” or reality-based educational entertainment that pushes back the boundaries of traditional science fiction. Starfield and planetary backgrounds by Ric Lopez Fabrega at , NASA, and JPL. For more information on remote viewing, see http Directed by Courtney Brown,

Who Built the Moon?

Are The Moon Artificial? : Ancient Aliens: We Don’t Really Know How It Came To Be There In The First Place. Its Existence Has Been Pivotal To The Development Of Life On Earth. Only 1/81st Part The Mass Of The Earth, Despite It’s Known For Certain That The Moon Is Made From Exactly The Same Sort Of Rock As the Earth. The Most Significant Of these Is The Moon’s Ability To Sxactly Cover The Face Of The Sun At The Time Of Total Eclipse. This Is Possible Because The Moon Is ‘Exactly’ 1/400th Part Of The Size Of The Sun And Also That Its Orbit Takes It To A Position 1/400th Of The Distance Between The Earth And The Sun. You Alvays View tHE Same Side Of The Moon !

Zambo beatz – “ITS ALL ENERGY” (feat David Wilcock)