
Track #3 From Joe Satriani’s ‘Time Machine’ Album. Yes it may be a little out of sync because this was my first time recording the audio from the video in a seperate folder and merging it with the video. Yes it is me playing it, same stuff played in the video but better sounding because it was recorded into Audacity. There may be some mistakes, I don’t care to hear them I already know. Equipment Used- Ibanez RG350DX (Custom) Fernandes FK-401 Sustainer Kit Line6 Spider III 75 watt Amp Dunlop 535q Wah Pedal Monster Cables Hitachi HD Video Camera

Moses Awyan – LOVING LIVING LIGHT – Wake up message to the world PART 2 of 2

Part 2. My beautiful brother Moses Awyan, SUN OF (LIVING LIGHT) Abdel Hakeem, wake up message to the world recorded at the family gallery near the Sphinx, Naslet El Saman, Egypt in November 2010 just before the uprising in Cairo, January of 2011. I LOVE YOU ALL LOVE LOVE ALL YOU ARE THE LIGHT WHAT IS IT ?

Moses Awyan – LOVING LIVING LIGHT – Wake up message to the world PART 1 of 2

Part 1. My beautiful brother Moses Awyan, SUN OF (LIVING LIGHT) Abdel Hakeem, wake up message to the world recorded at the family gallery near the Sphinx, Naslet El Saman, Egypt in November 2010 just before the uprising in Cairo, January of 2011. I LOVE YOU ALL LOVE LOVE ALL YOU ARE THE LIGHT WHAT IS IT ?

Ryan Hamill: The Forgotten Pt. II Joe Satriani

Track #15 From Joe Satriani’s ‘Flying in a Blue Dream’ Album. There may be a few mistakes.. I know about them, so you don’t have to remind me. Equipment Used- Ibanez RG350DX (Custom) Fernandes Fk-401 Sustainer Kit Line6 Spider III 75 watt Amp Dunlop 535q wah pedal Custom FGI Bridge Humbucker Monster Cables … Ryan Hamill Joe Satriani All Alone Forgotten Pt Part II two Alan McKenna Sucks lol