The Return of Dagon (The Fish god) – Luciferianism

The symbol for Dagon has made its way to Christian churches and christian homes. The symbol of the fish, was not and it never was christian; but thanks to the catholic church the fish is recognized as an official christian symbol. That’s why God instructed His people to refrain from making any images from anything in heaven, or on earth, or from the water below. Christians need to wake up and come out of the ways of the pagans! Education Purpose Only. Video from david1057. Expose the Luciferian doctrine – Black Nobility (Papal Bloodlines) – the Vatican – Jesuit – Masonic mafia network. Then expose Aristocracy Knighthoods (Knights of Malta, Royal Monarchy, Rothschilds etc.), Zionism, Secret Services (CIA/NSA/CSIS/OSS/MOSSAD/MI6/KGB/Deutsches Verteidigungs Dienst, etc.), Illuminati Brotherhood, Int./National Think Tanks (CFR, Bilderberg, Tavistock, Fraser, Rand), Governments, Agencies (Nasa, Cern, Espa, etc.), Police, Businesses, NGO’s, indoctrination facilities (Jesuit Georgetown University, Yale, Cambridge, etc.), False Prophets, New Age Propaganda (Zeitgeist, Yoga, David Wilcock, etc.), Truth movements (Alex Jones and the likes), psyops (Media fakery, etc.), eugenics (Darwin, fake scientists, etc.), fake or empty Youtube accounts, counterfeit religions (Islam, Tao, Buddha, Hindu, etc.)…the lot. Expose it all and challenge it’s corrpution and perversion.


Love is the Only Truth all else is illusion… 11:11 oness union love its time to wake up This segment was taken from the “Legend of Atlantis” film -personal favorite documentar Ever-


The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history — the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality. This is the story of the witnesses that was laughed at, the researchers and reporters that wasn’t believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the brightest hope for the future of humanity. This is the greatest story in human history. Features: Steven Greer Edgar Mitchell Steve Basset Robert Dean Budd Hopkins Barbara Lamb David Jacobs Richard Dolan Stanton Friedman Peter Robbins Jim Marrs Nadine Lalich Elaine Michael Salla Milton Torres Wendelle Stevens Paola Harris Nick Pope Miriam Delicado Linda Moulton Howe Robert Hastings Dr Roger Leir Company: New Paardigm Films Director: Terje Toftenes Producer: Truls Toftenes, Ragnhild Løken, Terje Toftenes Music: Rover


Conclusion to Under The Teaching Tree Painting of Terence by Robert Venosa

The Day Before Disclosure (Part 1_7) FULL [HQ]

The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history — the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality. This is the story of the witnesses that was laughed at, the researchers and reporters that wasn’t believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the brightest hope for the future of humanity. This is the greatest story in human history. Features: Steven Greer Edgar Mitchell Steve Basset Robert Dean Budd Hopkins Barbara Lamb David Jacobs Richard Dolan Stanton Friedman Peter Robbins Jim Marrs Nadine Lalich Elaine Michael Salla Milton Torres Wendelle Stevens Paola Harris Nick Pope Miriam Delicado Linda Moulton Howe Robert Hastings Dr Roger Leir Company: New Paardigm Films Director: Terje Toftenes Producer: Truls Toftenes, Ragnhild Løken, Terje Toftenes Music: Rover