sexton fail

FOR THE REST OF YOU, READ ON AS I- edit: goddamn stuttering

Total Gun Ban Coming!

Today on this LIVE Sunday edition, Alex Jones takes aim at the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, part of a larger effort to sabotage the 2nd Amendment with international firearms regulations. Alex plays a special report uncovering the UN’s history of gun control, and how Fast & Furious was staged to pass the UN Gun Treaty– by blaming the flow of illicit guns south to Mexico. Meanwhile, American troops have been trained and acclimated to occupying the US and seizing guns– Hurricane Katrina remains a startling reminder that confiscation really can happen here. And as history shows, gun control has really paved the way for democide (death by governments) which has killed hundreds of millions. In other news, Alex has caught the Pentagon again in using sock puppets to deny photographic proof of military spray operations reported in the media. While CBS Miami had already covered the spraying of pesticides to kill mosquitoes over major cities in Florida, cyber-trolls working as part of a psyop do everything they can to counter discussion of the report. Alex also discusses the shutdown of taxpayer funded roads in Austin and other nearby public facilities that has been planned for the upcoming Formula One race in November. Your calls and comments are welcome. [special report uncovering the UN’s history of gun control, and how Fast & Furious was staged to pass the UN Gun Treaty] [Check

Arizona Assassin Jared Loughner, Obsessed With Mind Control – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Paul Joseph Watson Saturday, January 8, 2011/UPDATED Sunday January 9, 2011 Jared Loughner, the gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and numerous other victims including a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl during a political event in Tucson today, was a US military recruit who was obsessed with mind control, mirroring the circumstances of many other mass shooters in history. Loughner’s You Tube channel contains several rambling text-based videos which discuss his fascination with mind control. In one of his online rants, Loughner said that he was a “United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix”. Reports suggest that he also may have been deployed to Afghanistan at one point. “The mission of USMEPCOM and the Phoenix MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services,” states the website of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command. The fact that Loughner was part of the US military and yet is being characterized as an anti-government conspiracy nutcase by the establishment media is a complete contradiction. Loughner’s multitude of viewpoints seem to transcend political classification. Watching his You Tube videos, he is clearly a schizophrenic who is obsessed with mind control and other bizarre leftfield issues of minutia. Loughner’s vulnerable and psychotic profile, combined with his interest in mind control, mirrors other famous assassins such as Mark David Chapman

“Chris”aka-AR15 Gun Rights Activist on Alex Jones Tv 1/7:You Must Exercise Your Gun Rights!!

Alex talks with “Chris,” the man who carried an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to an Obama event in Phoenix, Arizona, on Monday. Arizona has an open carry law. The corporate media has spent the last several days attempting to demonize the man and the Second Amendment.

THE INFO WARRIOR with Jason Bermas:War Veteran Ron Has His CCWP Revoked by DHS!! … War Veterans CCWP DHS Nazi Germany Japan ww1 2nd amendment Gun Owners America NRA gun ban Ron Paul Larry Pratt GOA