Aired (where available) 2-10-2011. Simultaneous media black out occured for Patriot and Christian radio, shortwave and internet feeds for several hours accross the country. This just in from a youtube informer: Here’s a graph of the time from the Internet Traffic Report Scroll to the bottom for the past 24 hours and you will see from 1700 – 2100 the outage across the net. Additionally, you might want to research power outages at the same time… seems there were small outages of power around the same time (in the entire country). Then you might want to research reports that China hacked several into power companies (mainstream news, not fringe news). It wasn’t Obama on this one..
Tag: house
Alex Jones – Alan Watt – Tyranny – part 4/6
Tim Thomas stiffs Obama and the Tyrannical white house visit with the Boston Briuns
Finally we have a stand up sports star that stood up to our Tyrannical police state government.Tim Thomas refused to take a trip to the white house with his team the stanley cup champions Boston Briuns to visit with the dictator. Obama that signed into law the national defense authorization act (NDAA) on new years eve when no one was looking.this bill gives the government the power to use the usa military on american soil to arrest detian and hold indefinatly with no charges trial or due process american citizens if they are deemed an enemy combatnt.the bill says an enemy combatent is someone that is billigerant to the is saying Obama is a murdering piece of shit scumbag beligerant,if so then ill talk to you guys later. but how can Tim Thomas be ridiculed for just expressing his opion which is 100% true anyway.its sad that most americans dont even know how outta control there government is because they rely on the tv for the news which the supreme court ruled is entertianment so they dont have to tell the truth…….. please do some research on the NDAA and the Patriot act which are both unconstitutional before your children grow up in nazi america.i mean do you like have cameras on every george orwell’s 1984 he was a little off on the date,but it here.please visit my main page and look along the left side where you will find things that you should be researching and accurate quotes from our founding fathers over 200 years ago yet 100% accurate.this …
Obama Said to Consider William Daley for White House Job
Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama is considering naming William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former US Commerce secretary, to a high-level administration post, possibly White House chief of staff, people familiar with the matter said. Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols reports. (Source: Bloomberg)
Baer Says Obama’s Actions Are What Matter, Not Words: Video
June 16 (Bloomberg) — Donald Baer of Burson-Marsteller, a former White House communications director, talks about President Obama’s speech last night about the effectiveness of President Barack Obama’s speech Tuesday on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Obama vowed that BP Plc will pay for all damage caused by its “recklessness” and that the government would commit to restoring the Gulf Coast. Baer talks with Margaret Brennan on Bloomberg Television’s “In Business.” (Source: Bloomberg)