Michael Cremo – The Hidden History Of The Human Race

Michael Cremo is interviewed about his archeological discoveries and the cover up of the scientific community.Cremo gives several examples of archeological evidence that has been suppressed by the establishment in the name of “scientific conformity”. His books include ‘The Hidden History Of The Human Race’ and ‘Forbidden Archeology’. Richard Thompson is credited by Michael Cremo as a valuable partner in his research.


creationism, even though some of the “experts” and arguments are familiar to readers of scientific creationist literature. Instead, just as scientific creationism is an attempt to use science to support fundamentalist Christianity, Mysterious Origins is apparently an attempt to use science to support Hinduism. Much of the material in the program is based on the contents of two books, Forbidden Archeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, both …

Mysterious Origins of Man #1-3 plus Bonus Material [NBC 1996] YT LINK – [300+ min]

creationism, even though some of the “experts” and arguments are familiar to readers of scientific creationist literature. Instead, just as scientific creationism is an attempt to use science to support fundamentalist Christianity, Mysterious Origins is apparently an attempt to use science to support Hinduism. Much of the material in the program is based on the contents of two books, Forbidden Archeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, both of …