Bob Dean: A Chegada de Nibiru – Entrevista ao Project Camelot (Legendado)

Comandande sargento reformado Robert Dean. Quando perguntamos a Bob o que ele queria discutir, ele nos contou que ele tinha notícia importante, das próprias fontes internas dele, sobre Nibiru: o altamente controverso Planeta X. Este vídeo contém uma informação extremamente importante para todos os alunos do Planeta X considerar. Fiel à forma, Bob narra outras estórias intrigantes, incluindo a descoberta do NRO classificado de “um barco maldito” no alto do Monte Ararat ea confirmação do relatório Henry Deacon de que os Anunnaki estão ativos em Marte hoje em dia. Sua humanidade, sua dignidade, sua integridade e seu humor todos brilham mais uma vez neste novo vídeo, e estamos muito confiantes de que todos aqueles que tanto gostaram da entrevista de Bob, em 2007 com a gente, acharão esta também divertida, interessante e valiosa.


Place: University of Wisconsin, Sept 2003. Talking about: The Case For Ancient Artificial Structures In The Solar System. For: an all-day, mind-blowing discussion on the questions of “God, Man, and ET” Richard Charles Hoagland, (born April 25, 1945) is an American author and a proponent of various theories about NASA, lost alien civilizations on the Moon and on Mars and other related topics. His writings claim that advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the Moon, Mars and on some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that NASA and the United States government have conspired to keep these facts secret. He has advocated his ideas in two published books, several videotape. lectures, interviews, and press conferences. His views have never been published in peer-reviewed journals. Hoagland developed and sustented his own investigations on the wave of Hiperdimesional Physics patterns discovered along our Solar System. Richard C. Hoagland is Founder and Principal Investigator of The Enterprise Mission. Author of the best seller, “The Monuments of Mars”.

Gods Of Cydonia [By Richard C. Hoagland]

Place: University of Wisconsin, Sept 2003. Talking about: The Case For Ancient Artificial Structures In The Solar System. For: an all-day, mind-blowing discussion on the questions of “God, Man, and ET” Richard Charles Hoagland, (born April 25, 1945) is an American author and a proponent of various theories about NASA, lost alien civilizations on the Moon and on Mars and other related topics. His writings claim that advanced civilizations exist or once existed on the Moon, Mars and on some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that NASA and the United States government have conspired to keep these facts secret. He has advocated his ideas in two published books, several videotape. lectures, interviews, and press conferences. His views have never been published in peer-reviewed journals. Hoagland developed and sustented his own investigations on the wave of Hiperdimesional Physics patterns discovered along our Solar System. Richard C. Hoagland is Founder and Principal Investigator of The Enterprise Mission. Author of the best seller, “The Monuments of Mars”.