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OBAMA HOPES TO PERSUADE ALL AMERICANS TO ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALITY – News Report, AP WASHINGTON, DC – President Barack Obama says that while he’s dedicated to expanding homosexual rights, many Americans still cling to what he calls “worn arguments and old attitudes.” At a White House celebration of Gay Pride Month, Obama said he hopes to persuade all Americans to accept homosexuality. “”There are good and decent people in this country who don’t yet fully embrace their gay brothers and sisters — not yet,” said the president. “That’s why I’ve spoken about these issues — not just in front of you — but in front of unlikely audiences, in front of African-American church members.” Obama acknowledged that many Americans still disapprove of homosexuality. “There are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors or even family members and loved ones, who still hold fast to worn arguments and old attitudes,” he stated… The audience at the White House ceremony included Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson and other homosexual clergy. Obama introduced Robinson as a “special friend.” AP-Associated Press 6/30/2009 – 7:30:00 AM

Documented UFO Sighting at Edmonton (southwest of) (Canada), AB (10/15/1952)

Documented UFO Sighting: 10/15/1952 – Good evening folks—What I am about to discribe is what I saw back in 1952, in an area that is about 75 to 80 miles southwest of the city of Edmonton at a place called pigeon lake. I was working in the oil fields at the time and we had shut down the ditching machine for the night. Now as you know after operating a machine like this all day, when it is shut down, the stillness you can cut with a knife. We were in an area that was clear of any objects, only low willows and rolling hills. The evening sky was clear as a bell, not a cloud to be seen, a typical fall evening. The time was about 17. 00 hours, the month was late sept or early oct. I cannot be sure. there was no oil rigs working in the area that we were at nor was there any flare pits burning anywhere near us. As we started back down the right of way that we had cut through, to get back to the half ton truck to go back to music by: