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Tag: nwo
John Lear Interview 6
Who is John Lear? He is a retired airline captain with over 19000 hours of flight time. He is the son of Lear Jet inventor, Bill Lear. He has flown over 100 different types of planes in 60 different countries. John holds 17 aviation world records. His accomplishments are too numerous to mention here such as: He was the youngest American to climb the Matterhorn in 1959. LEAR FLEW SECRET MISSIONS FOR THE CIA in Central and Southest Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1966 …
Alex Jones and Alan Watt Tv_8-05-08 Mind Control p5
Michael Tsarion – The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism In The Media 02/11
“The subversive use of sacred symbolism is rife actually and one only has to go look, open your eyes and as Michael Tsarion says, it is there for the world to see and of course as you all know the best place to put something you dont want others to see, is right under their noses… Watch and learn why the youth of today are so delinquent and why over 70% of the products we buy have names that mean nothing in English. Learn of the Occult techniques used by corporations and goverments to …
Michael Tsarion – The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism In The Media 01/11
“The subversive use of sacred symbolism is rife actually and one only has to go look, open your eyes and as Michael Tsarion says, it is there for the world to see and of course as you all know the best place to put something you dont want others to see, is right under their noses… Watch and learn why the youth of today are so delinquent and why over 70% of the products we buy have names that mean nothing in English. Learn of the Occult techniques used by corporations and goverments to …