Manly P. Hall (1901 – 1990) delivered this lecture many years ago. In his writings and lectures, Hall constantly emphasized knowledge of self as a path to universal peace for the one human family. Michael Jackson (1958 – 2009) and his brothers released the album, Triumph, in 1980. In his music and performances, Jackson constantly emphasized knowledge of self as a path to universal peace for our fragile planet. The lyrics to “Man in the Mirror” ( are instructive. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) studied Classics his whole life, wherein there abound references to the “third eye” or “eye single.” Sister Wendy Beckett is still very much alive, a vibrant voice in a disillusioned world, and a kind face from my childhood days with PBS. Salima Ikram is kicking it in Cairo, a welcome talent in a heavily male-dominated profession. Let’s send her some love. VS Ramachandran is still looking for the Holy Grail. Please forward him this video. Much of the material from this lecture can be found in “The Pineal Gland: The Eye of God,” which in turn is derived from Hall’s 1932 seminal edition of: “Man the Grand Symbol of the Mysteries.” The latter is available on-line here: Peace, love and soul.
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