The Great Invocation – “Calling The Christ”

(BodyPrayer below) World Invocation Day is June 4, 2012…. The Great Invocation is the Mantra for World Peace – sing it – move it – become it – the World needs it… The piece “was given in 1937 to [Alice] Bailey by Djwhal Khul, a Tibetan disciple in the tradition of ancient esoteric spirituality known as The Ageless Wisdom.” Alice Baily, (English author, teacher, and theosophist) shared it with many. It has been a meditation shared worldwide especially in Findhorn: “Network of Light Meditation for Peace.” Whatever your belief system is, this invocation does focus spiritual energy for the benefit of the planet. I put original music to the mantra and I sing it as an invocation for humanity – A Sword of Light Only In Love… It is a bit ‘raw’ but then it is quite human… There are those that ask for us to say/sing this mantra everyday… The words are below for your convenience. May this mantra be sung only with the highest of intentions for the good of the planet, and all life everywhere. And so it is. The Great Invocation (with BodyPrayer) KF stand feet under hips (prayer hands center of chest) From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth (hands/arms up to sky-Vshape) into the minds of (hands/arms down-V shape) men. Let Light(cross hands/arms across chest) descend on Earth. (repeat:prayer hands@chest) From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream (hands up V shape) forth into the hearts of (hands down – V shape) men. (cross arms

Agenda 21’s Globalist Death Plan for Humanity

Lord Monckton joins Aaron in-studio today, Wednesday, May 23. Monckton is a British politician, public speaker, former newspaper editor, and a spirited critic of the globalist theory of anthropogenic global warming. Mr. Monckton is in the United States to attend the libertarian Heartland Institute’s conference in Chicago. At the UN Summit at Rio in 1992, the Conference Secretary-General, Maurice Strong, said “Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. // The real enemy then is humanity itself. – From the Club of Rome’s “The First Global Revolution” p. 75 1993 “Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee.” – John Donne (1572-1631) [Checkout Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

Drama Aka Treason – Hollow Moon- David Icke

Dramas song Hollow Moon off his album Kill Em All 17 tracks free download!!


Ramadan Message From the President of the united States: Barack Obama


Deciphering of a coded skit from a movie called PINEAPPLE EXPRESS. A code with a call to SEE… OR NOT SEE. A message for the entire planet! WARNINGS, PREDICTIONS, HOPE! ALL DEPENDING UPON WHAT YOU SEE,… OR… NOT-SEE!! NO JOKE & MEANT FOR ALL TO TAKE SERIOUSLY!!!