Illuminati TV Spot – Flying Pyramids, All Seeing Eye, Its Fun! Lady Gaga RTL II

Obvious Brainwash And Hidden Symbolism. For newbies: If you want to know who the “Illuminati” are, please google keywords like “New World Order + Illuminati” / “One World Government + Illuminati”. Or read books by David Icke: (that´s the best way). Haha. HUMANITY GET OFF YOUR KNEES. STOP THIS BULLSHIT! More Clips at Videodactyl/Videodeathtyl´s Spot Chan: Mainchan:

Michael Tsarion – The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism In The Media 03/11

to put something you dont want others to see, is right under their noses… Watch and learn why the youth of today are so delinquent and why over 70% of the products we buy have names that mean nothing in English. Learn of the Occult techniques used by corporations and goverments to manipulate and control human minds.” … Lady Gaga Pokerface Illuminati TV Spots Symbolism New World Order Freemasons NWO Neue Weltordnung Sun Cult All Seeing Eye Subconscious Subliminal Advertising Ad Pirates …