FurnaceFire-coming soon!

Hey all!! I’m starting up some new educational vidz regarding the mass awakening! It’s time to wake up folks! … peace love truth music MoToR Canada justice usa america “jordan maxwell” ufo’s light WoW “all cap’s name” police “process servers” law water food health children

Texas Sen. John Whitmire on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:Criminal Asset Forfeiture !!

Alex talks with Senator John Whitmire from Houston’s District 15 about SB 1529, a bill addressing criminal asset forfeiture. www.whitmire.senate.state.tx.us prisonplanet.tv

Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones Tv with Jason Bermas 3/4:We Are Now Nazi Germany !!

Jason also talks with libertarian political commentator, activist, proponent of the Austrian School of economics, and chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Lew Rockwell. www.lewrockwell.com prisonplanet.tv