Deciphering of a coded skit from a movie called PINEAPPLE EXPRESS. A code with a call to SEE… OR NOT SEE. A message for the entire planet! WARNINGS, PREDICTIONS, HOPE! ALL DEPENDING UPON WHAT YOU SEE,… OR… NOT-SEE!! NO JOKE & MEANT FOR ALL TO TAKE SERIOUSLY!!!
Tag: religion
CurIositY, Often LEADz 2 troUble, STeve wILLner “RE`ad”z fROM “THEE BO‿Ok” !.!* :”D
THIS VID. IS I*NTER”AC*T”IVE ~ CLICK ON SCREEN 2 C* {THGZ. THAT LINK/COINCIDE} 2`GET`HER ~ 2 lEARn… USE 2 SCREENZ ;);) {a TRIButE/FAN MADe, vId. for my FB friend’zzz…} I’m THEE FAN :p ;);) CurIosity Often LEADz 2 troUble, Or soMEthIng INTERESTING… wILL CuriOsItY kILL THEE C~a~t ?.?* …* wILL jUst have 2 wAIt & C* !.!* …* HOOwoodEVR”think”2″LOOK”4″MEhear/HERE”?.?* =dA,I’LLgivmIselfVRRR~Egood+vIsss, waytingmAksmEcurIOUs ~ ←←←aeiou Oh’tr`u~BULL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vId. & RE`done/RE`touC*hed piC*z. made bY, C*. !.!* aka C*.1*.3*. aka FALL`O THEE ‘wIt’ RAbIt !.!* done on 8/12/2011~20!.!* RAbIt C*sUn !.!* more info. @ my blog + close up pics. *** NEW INFO. ADDED AS OF AUG.16, 2011~20!.!* *** Original piC*z . fROM: ^^^Info. found @ above link, Click 2 C* more…^^^ Book Release Date September 11, 2011 *********** About 26 bloggers/writers/artists share their experiences and perspectives on the strange and beautiful universe in which we live. Description Featuring writers from: The Sync Whole, Reality Sandwich, Etemenanki, The Mask of God, Labyrinth of the Psychonaut, The Stygian Port, Live From The Logosphere, Star Theory, The Patternist, Gosporn, All The Happy Creatures, Kosmos Idikos, Radio8Ball, Constellation Contemplation, Kozmikon, Accidental …
Nibiru 2012 part 1 of 3
Will Nibiru’s appearance in 2012 lead to multiple cataclysmic events? Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 1 of 3: Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 2 of 3: Click here for Nibiru 2012 part 3 of 3: ELENIN = Extinction Level Event Nibiru Is Near Click here to watch this Interview w/Nibiru Insider on 6/6/11: Perhaps the Nibiru insider was referring to the magazine mentioned in this video: NIBIRU – PLANET X – HERCOLUBUS, The Evidence! (MIRRORED) : It appears that all of the world’s governments, the media, and all scientists are covering up the fact that there is now at least one or more massive objects that are approaching us. Could they really be Nibiru and the brown dwarf star? If so, why haven’t there been any reports from scients about the gravitational perturbations in the outer planets like we would expect to see from these massive objects? Perhaps there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep the truth from the people until the last possible moment! Here are several more relevant videos to watch: Do you think that China would allow this information to get out to the public unless there really was some truth to it ? ‘Two suns’ spotted in China defy explanation: ABSOLUTELY! ABSOLUTELY! 2 SUNS & SOMETHING ELSE THE SUN HAS A FRIEND 2.mp4 Michio Kaku: Massive solar flare in the years 2012/2013 could throw us back 100 years: Nasa Warns Of Super …
New Paradigm Films | The Day Before Disclosure 4/8
Are we standing at the threshold of the most shocking paradigm-shift ever? Is the “greatest story in human history” about to be revealed? This is one of the comprehensive documentaries ever producd on the on the UFO and ET presence, – and the secrecy surrounding this issue. What do we know by now, — and what do we know about why we should not know? The film is presenting the UFO-history and some of the best documented cases from both the European and the American continents. Eyewitneses and many of todays most renowned UFO-researchers present their testimonials and views. The implications of Disclosure and the anticipated impact on society is discussed. The film also presents the alien abduction phenomenon, and issues surrounding it. Starring; Steven Greer, Stephen Bassett, Richard Dolan, Edgar Mitchell, Robert Dean, Peter Robbins, Paola Harris, Michael Salla, Stanton Freidmann, Robert Hastings, Linda Moulton Howe, Jim Marrs, David Jacobs, Barbara Lamb, Nadine Lalich, Budd Hopkins, Miriam Delicado, Joel Garbon, Wendelle Stevens, Milton Torres, Nick Pope, Roger Leir, AJ Geveard, Jamie Maussan and many more. The film is presented and narrated by Terje Toftenes. Produced by Terje Toftenes, Ragnhild Løken and Truls Toftenes ************************************************************************************* Disclosure – the formal acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence by world governments – is the primary goal of a growing worldwide truth movement. The purpose of …
Illuminati Goals, Some Predictions, and the Dollar Bill (part 4of 4)
All the symbols of the dollar bill are covered. Even the symbols such as the acacia spring, the owl, and sacred geometry are covered, which most researchers forget to include. These videos will prove without a shadow of a doubt that the Great Seal of the United States (the symbols of the dollar bill) is a magickal symbol to conjure the resurrection/reincarnation of Nimrod and his One World Government. These videos will also include the 25 Illuminati goals and give predictions based on the symbols of the Great Seal and Biblical prophecy. Chainedgarden Productions 2011 – for more reading – David Ovason “The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill” Laurence Gardner “The Shadow of Solomon” David Flynn “Cydonia” Alexander Hislop “The Two Babylons” Richard Cavendish “The Black Arts” Graham Hancock “Fingerprints of the Gods” Richard Hoagland “The Monuments of Mars” Joseph Farrell “Babylon’s Banksters” Thomas Horn “Apollyon Rising 2012” Fritz Springmeier “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” This is just the tip of an enormous iceberg of reading material on this subject. Any books by these authors and any book one can find on the occult will help the student learn about these subjects. This knowledge is suppressed so the “world” can stay asleep and not recognize the truth. Last, but not least, Read the actual Hebrew/Greek Bible (with Lexicon and dictionary) with a book on how the “ancients” conveyed messages. (Don’t drink the Elite’s kool-aid.)