Strange forms which remind to a writing on this image taken by the Spirit rover. Source image anomaly : Spirit Rover SOL075 marsrover.nasa.gov Music : Neurosis – Exist


Part1 : www.youtube.com Part3 : www.youtube.com More structures and anomalies in this second part. This another picture was taken by the MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) the 13th october 2006. Three weeks after, the 3th november, Global Mars Surveyor stopped emitting. And after two weeks more, Nasa say the MGS is definitly lost. Source s2300675 : Direct link : ida.wr.usgs.gov Browse Page : ida.wr.usgs.gov

Alan Watt on the Con Game of Politics – The Ron Paul Image – Fact or Fiction? – June 27, 2012

Here’s the article that Watt mentions: The Ron Paul Image–Fact or Fiction? – realitybloger.wordpress.com This video is a clip from Alan Watt’s RBN broadcast from June 27, 2012: June 27, 2012 Alan Watt “Cutting Through The Matrix” LIVE on RBN: New World Order, Not Refurbished, Just Re-Published: “This Script is Tiring, What a Bore, Like a Movie You’ve Seen Ten Times Before, No Conspiracy Theories, ‘cept for Hobbyists, Media Publishes Meetings with Global Lobbyists, “The Open Conspiracy” by HG Wells Says the Guiding Light Always Tells The People if They Care to Know Where Our Masters Want Us to Go, In Truth Whole Nations have Been Taken On a Ride, Updated in Each Generation, Deception’s Detected, Use Sense of Smell, Masters with Science Pave Way to Hell” * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD – www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com Topics discussed: Model State of China, Forced Abortions, Population Reduction, Slave Labour – Supermarket “Loyalty Cards” for Spying Purposes – EU Takeover of European Nations – RIO+20 Summit – Australia, Chinese Land Grab, Foreign Workers Imported under Free Trade – Social Agendas in Schooling – Bank Bosses and Robbers are the Same – EPA Regulation of Carbon Dioxide – Jacques Attali – Pied Piper Politicians put Forward for Public to Vote for – Rights and Privacy given Away for “Fun”. Children’s Court System and Dirty Tricks – Time to DO SOMETHING. “Decentralization” of Gov. Topics of show covered in following links: UN Chief Hails Progress in Chinese Sustainable

John Lennon Relates UFO Encounter HD

The sighting occurred when he was with his personal secretary, May Pang, in New York, at the time when he and Yoko Ono were separated. Lennon refers to the experience on the cover of his album “Walls And Bridges”, which was released in 1974, saying that he saw a UFO on August 23. “We had just ordered up some pizzas and since it was such a warm evening, we decided to step out on the terrace,” recalled Pang. “There were no windows directly facing us from across the street, so John just stepped outside with nothing on, in order to catch a cool breeze that was coming in right off the East River. I remember I was just inside the bedroom getting dressed when John started shouting for me to come out on the terrace. I yelled back that I would be right there but he kept screaming for me to join him in that instant. As I walked out onto the terrace, my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we’d see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft – these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind. It was, I estimate, about the size of a Lear jet and it was so close that if we had something to throw at it, we probably would have hit it quite easily.” Eerily, the object passed