Mysterious Origins of Man #1-3 plus Bonus Material [NBC 1996] YT LINK – [300+ min]

creationism, even though some of the “experts” and arguments are familiar to readers of scientific creationist literature. Instead, just as scientific creationism is an attempt to use science to support fundamentalist Christianity, Mysterious Origins is apparently an attempt to use science to support Hinduism. Much of the material in the program is based on the contents of two books, Forbidden Archeology and The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, both of …

Hare Krishna Science Interview Part 1 of 8

Interview about the Science of Krishna Consciousness. The Questions are answered by a Devotee of Srila Bhaktivendanta Narayan Maharaja called Prem Prayojan. Please Visit – Thankyou for you time.

Interview with Richard C. Hoagland 1 – 2

Richard C. Hoagland is a former museum space science Curator; a former NASA Consultant; and, during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. In the mid-1960’s, at the age of 19 (possibly “the youngest museum curator in the country at the time”), Hoagland created his first elaborate commemorative event — around NASA’s first historic unmanned fly-by of the planet Mars, Mariner 4. A simultaneous all-night, transcontinental radio program the …

Wings of Desire – Cecilia

… Peter practiced Family Medicine. He had “little faith” and “no experience” with folks who “channeled” for a living. When her “spirit guide” took over, she began to talk like a sailor. I remember thinking her “guide” was one crusty old geezer! “A little spooky” but I remember we all had a really good evening. Cecilia genuinely wanted “to heal” Peter by bringing these folks by. I felt comforted by her “Complete Faith”. She became my (Saint Cecilia) that night. Whatever transpired, Peter …