sexton fail

FOR THE REST OF YOU, READ ON AS I- edit: goddamn stuttering

Secret Space War & 9/11 Torsion Weapon (1/6)

Secret Space War & 9/11 Torsion Beam Weapon Date: 04-12-2011 Host: George Noory Guest: Richard C. Hoagland Back from his trip to Amsterdam, Richard C. Hoagland articulated his theory of a secret space program, and its possible connection to the 9-11 attacks, in the second half of the program. Clandestine groups are involved in a secret space war, “and the terrestrial equivalent to cover this fact, is the so-called War on Terror…that’s why we have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed at key strategic positions around this planet, having nothing to do with the ostensible reasons why they’re there,” he explained. There are six groups involved in the space wars, and two of them are non-terrestrial– possibly humans that used advanced technology to develop civilizations off world, he suggested. Japan, he noted, is “being clobbered for a reason, and I believe it is fundamentally part of this secret space war.” The 9-11 attacks were a shot across the bow that the status quo was over, he continued, adding that exotic technology was used to turn the Twin Towers into dust– “some kind of massive disintegrator beam, based on Torsion physics.”

Vatican Prepares for Annunaki Disclosure

The Kindle Edition will be FREE for a few days. Check with Amazon first please. Astronauts & Researchers Debunks NASA UFO Cover-Up Is DR David Morrison, nothing more than a NASA public relations spokesman? About Richard Hoagland is former staff lecturer and Curator of Astronomy and Space Science at the Springfield Museum of Science in Massachusetts. He subsequently was Assistant Director of the Gengars Science Center and the Planetarium at Children`s Museum, Hartford, Conn., and deviced several major programs to modernize planetariums in the US His innovations include techniques described as “a major breakthrough in the field of planetarium programming and simulation ” in the journal Sky and Telescope. A writer and lecturer, Mr. Hoagland is a consultant on astronomy and space science to museums, planetaria, and the aerospace and broadcasting industries. Richard C. Hoagland, founder of The Enterprise Mission Recipient of the Angstrom Medal Co-creator of the “Pioneer Plaque originator of the “Europa Proposal Former science advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite. Author of “The Monuments of Mars The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin Zecharia Featured in The New York Times Richard Hoagland Enterprise Mission Historic Evidence : Robert Sepehr’s research