The Return of Dagon (The Fish god) – Luciferianism

The symbol for Dagon has made its way to Christian churches and christian homes. The symbol of the fish, was not and it never was christian; but thanks to the catholic church the fish is recognized as an official christian symbol. That’s why God instructed His people to refrain from making any images from anything in heaven, or on earth, or from the water below. Christians need to wake up and come out of the ways of the pagans! Education Purpose Only. Video from david1057. Expose the Luciferian doctrine – Black Nobility (Papal Bloodlines) – the Vatican – Jesuit – Masonic mafia network. Then expose Aristocracy Knighthoods (Knights of Malta, Royal Monarchy, Rothschilds etc.), Zionism, Secret Services (CIA/NSA/CSIS/OSS/MOSSAD/MI6/KGB/Deutsches Verteidigungs Dienst, etc.), Illuminati Brotherhood, Int./National Think Tanks (CFR, Bilderberg, Tavistock, Fraser, Rand), Governments, Agencies (Nasa, Cern, Espa, etc.), Police, Businesses, NGO’s, indoctrination facilities (Jesuit Georgetown University, Yale, Cambridge, etc.), False Prophets, New Age Propaganda (Zeitgeist, Yoga, David Wilcock, etc.), Truth movements (Alex Jones and the likes), psyops (Media fakery, etc.), eugenics (Darwin, fake scientists, etc.), fake or empty Youtube accounts, counterfeit religions (Islam, Tao, Buddha, Hindu, etc.)…the lot. Expose it all and challenge it’s corrpution and perversion.


The Banker Aires His Views On The Right Of The Elite To Control Everyones Lives. A Must Watch For Anyone Who Is Angry About The Current Finanacial Situation! This Is Whats Really Going On! Thanks to the 33 Degree Channel Performed By Mike Daviot Written,Directed and Produced By: Craig-James Moncur The Banker Hello, my name is Montague William 3rd And what I will tell you may well sound absurd But the less who believe it the better for me For you see I’m in Banking and big industry For many a year we have controlled your lives While you all just struggle and suffer in strife We created the things that you don’t really need Your sports cars and Fashions and Plasma TV’s I remember it clearly how all this begun Family secrets from Father to Son Inherited knowledge that gives me the edge While you peasants, people lie sleeping at night in your beds We control the money that controls your lives Whilst you worship false idols and wouldn’t think twice Of selling your souls for a place in the sun These things that won’t matter when your time is done But as long as they’re there to control the masses I just sit back and consider my assets Safe in the knowledge that I have it all While you common people are losing your jobs You see I just hold you in utter contempt But the smile on my face well it makes me exempt For I have the weapon of global TV Which gives us connection and invites empathy You would really believe that we look out for you While we Bankers and

NASA Ringmakers of Saturn UFOs

Norman Bergrun’s “The Ringmakers of Saturn” is the inspiration for this video of the mysterious rings of Saturn. The big 3 amigo’s on ATS (mikesingh, zorgon, and internos) have each added enormous effort of personal research on this subject, by gathering up to date Cassini satellite imagery that is showing some very interesting anomalies on and around the ringed planet. See this thread for the amazing analysis from these cosmic experts: Also you can download and view all the images used in this video and more here: or


More UFO sightings world wide continue to increase day, by day. So many things are happening at once, time seems to be shortening, speeding along like a bullet through space without friction to slow it’s path. Where is this all leading, & to what end? Research, seek knowledge in truth, & you will see the true reality that lays before you, of that which up until now was concealed from you. Truth is the property of no individual, but is treasure of all. As time rolls forwards as a scroll, the words of the book shall have meaning. You will see, even those who do not wish to see, shall soon indeed. The man who fears no truth has nothing to fear from lies. “Thomas Jefferson” The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives. “Albert Einstein” The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. “Oscar Wilde” I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant. “Henry Louis Mencken” Truth, when not sought after, rarely comes to light. “Oliver Wendell Holmes” Let the people know the truth and the country is safe. “Abraham Lincoln” The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of