www.freemantv.com Original Air-Date May 1, 2005 King Solomon worshiped Asherah, Chemosh, and Moloch creating temples in the high places of Jerusalem for ritual sacrifice. In the Bible Asherah is translated grove. Asherah is also the Biblical version of Ishtar, who is Isis. The Hebrew letter equated with the Empress is Dallas or Daleth. She is known as the Eye Goddess and the Hebrew letter Ayin means eye and is the Devil card in the Tarot. Semiramis, Ishtar, Anat, Asherah, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Aphrodite, Venus, et al. are often represented with an owl; a symbol of peering into the darkness. At Bohemian Grove these sacrifices continue by the leaders of industry, finance and politics under a 40 ft. owl. This is known as the Cremation of Care.
Tag: Sumer
Walter Jörg Langbein: 2012 und die wahre Botschaft der Mayas
Roland Emmerich inszenierte den Weltuntergang von 2012 als tricktechnisch perfekten Kassenknüller. Weltweit wird wild über eine angebliche Prophezeiung der Mayas spekuliert. Aber sagten die Mayas wirklich den Weltuntergang für den 21.12. 2012 voraus? Wie lautet ihre Botschaft? Die Wahrheit ist oft weit spektakulärer als die kühnste Fantasie. Die wahre Botschaft der Mayas bezieht sich auf die ewige Geschichte des Universums, auf die Vergangenheit von Planet Erde… und auf die Zukunft der Menschheit. Die Zukunft der Gattung Mensch liegt im All! Astrophysiker Stephen Hawking bestätigte unlängst die zentrale Aussage von Langbeins aktuellem Buch “2012 — Endzeit und Neuanfang”. Die Geschichte des Kosmos wiederholt sich zyklisch — im Kleinen wie im Großen! Walter Jörg Langbein spricht seinem nüchternen und faktenreichen Vortrag über folgende Themen: * Der zyklische Ablauf unserer Welt im Gegensatz zu dem im jüdisch-christlich-muslimischen Weltbild erwarteten linearen Zeitablauf * Der Kalender und die Zeitzyklen der Mayas * Ist 2012 wirklich einer der möglichen Endpunkte des Maya-Kalenders? * Die Botschaft der Mayas auf den Punkt gebracht * Möglichkeiten und Entwicklungen zur interplanetaren und interstellaren Raumfahrt Mehr Infos finden Sie unter: www.dvd-wissen.com 2012,Maya,Botschaft,Maya-Mythologie,Zeitzyklus,Kalender,Maya-Kalender,Katastrophe,Vulkanausbruch,Komet,Kometeneinschlag,Besiedelung,Milchstraße,Weltraumstadt,Lichtgeschwindigkeit,Schwerkraft,Schwerelosigkeit …
www.freemantv.com What if you knew an attack was eminent, but your methods of diagnosis were not yet recognized by the mainstream officials? What if your evidence implicated the highest officials in the government? What would people’s reaction be to your telling them that the terrorist attack they are to witness, in the future, on this particular date, is your government trying to persuade you to submit to total global domination? How would your friends feel when your, seemingly, prophetic words erupted into flames on the television. “But, if he knew…?” Would they blame “W”? Would they blame the Republican’s? They would most certainly know something is amiss, and that things are not as they appear. Their reaction will be altered.
FreemanTV – Program To Chaos – Oct. 5, 2006
www.freemantv.com What if you knew an attack was eminent, but your methods of diagnosis were not yet recognized by the mainstream officials? What if your evidence implicated the highest officials in the government? What would people’s reaction be to your telling them that the terrorist attack they are to witness, in the future, on this particular date, is your government trying to persuade you to submit to total global domination? How would your friends feel when your, seemingly, prophetic words erupted into flames on the television. “But, if he knew…?” Would they blame “W”? Would they blame the Republican’s? They would most certainly know something is amiss, and that things are not as they appear. Their reaction will be altered.
He supports the same reptilian idea like David Icke… many researchers are coming to the same conclusions these days. … Annunaki Shapeshifter Lizard Gods Chitauri Credo Mutwa Armin Risi David Icke Royal Families Illuminati Bloodlines Reptiles Egypt Sumer Babylon Ancient History Erich Von Däniken Daniken Greys UFOs Aliens NWO Neue Weltordnung Jan Van Helsing Swine Flu Climate Change Financial Crisis Conspiracy Verschwörung Zeitgeist Esoteric Agenda All Seeing Eyes The Watcher …