The Nine Billion Names Of God And Deism.mpeg

Pictures and videos all from Hubblecast with permission. Scientific proofs In 2009, Robert G. Brown, a professor of physics at Duke University with a background in philosophy, published a scientific proof asserted to demonstrate the truth of pandeism under information theory.[6] Titled “The Pandeist Theorem”, the theorem states that “If God exists, then God is identical to the Universe. That is, the theorem is a statement of conditional pandeism. If God exists at all, God must be absolutely everything that exists.”[6] The basic premise is that a being properly defined as God must have absolute knowledge of the Universe, and that no method except existing as a real-time map of the whole content of the Universe would permit that. Brown’s conception does not accept a created Universe, but one that is pandeistic without having been created, although he allows for the possible consciousness of “God” – the Universe itself – at n-dimensional levels.[6] Stephen Hawking’s recent determination that our Universe (and others) needed no Creator to come about inspired the response from Deepak Chopra, interviewed by Larry King, that: “he says in the book that at least 10 to the power of 500 universes could possibly exist in super position of possibility at this level, which to me suggests an omniscient being. The only difference I have was God did not create the universe, God became the universe.”[7] Chopra insists that Hawking’s discoveries speak only to the nature of God, not to its

Is This How It All Began?

Please leave comments about your opinion Is this how it all Began? – is from (Erich von Däniken – Chariots of the Gods

UFO – Debunking Multiple Pleiadian Beamships of Billy Meier part 3.wmv

Here’s a colection of pictures taken with several models at once on 2 different lines. There are some “action shots” here as well and they show models swung out from branches.

World War III, Toxic Rain, Anubis, Planetary Alignment, Wormhole In The Gulf… What the…???

Saudi Arabia will allow Israel air space to strike Iran: North Korea threatens all out war… again: Anubis at Denver International Airport(please Google for much, much more info on DIA) Planetary Alignment: This video talks about the Obama/Morgan Freeman reference, but you should really spend some time watching this channel: Through The Wormhole: Is there A Creator Occult symbolism in Sherlock Holmes: Confused, angry, frustrated, concerned? Want to help and don’t know what you can do or how? Participate in the Oil Spill Project!

Erich von Daniken – Twilight of the Gods (july 2010)

Return of Extraterrestrials to the Andes: von Däniken Warns of the Mayan Calendar. Multi-million-copy best-selling author, thrills his loyal army of readers with another hair-raising documentary. You’ll be up all night with this one! Book: Kindle edition: ———————————————— Follow our work on Twitter ( ) or on Facebook ( )