Aired (where available) 2-10-2011. Simultaneous media black out occured for Patriot and Christian radio, shortwave and internet feeds for several hours accross the country. This just in from a youtube informer: Here’s a graph of the time from the Internet Traffic Report Scroll to the bottom for the past 24 hours and you will see from 1700 – 2100 the outage across the net. Additionally, you might want to research power outages at the same time… seems there were small outages of power around the same time (in the entire country). Then you might want to research reports that China hacked several into power companies (mainstream news, not fringe news). It wasn’t Obama on this one..
Tag: wave
Fractals, Universal Tree Mapping and The Golden Mean part 1
The film that was used: Fractals.Similarities. Patterns. Design.the.Hidden.Dimension.XviD.mp4
G-Reg – My all
Section 6 bitches. Shout out to Check em out, mad beats, extremely cheap.
Raplicator – ET Message (UFO´s hovering over the earth) Alien Contact !!!
Erdlinge wieso habt ihr Augen wenn ihr doch blind seid? Und wieso habt ihr Ohren wenn ihr doch taub seid? —————————-