www.1shoppingcart.com White Powder Gold Superhealth Through Modern Alchemy Now is the time for Superhealth, both physically and spiritually, and we have the right tools to help you accomplish it. Even the realm it encompasses is still relatively unknown in mainstream consciousness, but its popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. This cutting edge technology is summed up in only a few words: monatomic (or monoatomic) and diatomic elements. Classical science teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and solids (but now there are the newer plasmas, condensates and liquid crystals). Some solids crystallize into lattice structures we call metals. What classical science does not teach us (because these are new and extreme cutting edge discoveries) is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called “monatomic.” Zeropoint Technologies is recommended by Laurence Gardner and has been manufacturing and distributing safe, high quality products to resellers all over the world since 1997. This is the year to discover the nutrients your body needs to operate at peak performance to live and operate on a higher level. These are also known as ORMES (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) or ORMUS and m-state elements, and the newest theories in physics as they relate to this area of research assert that some elements on the periodic chart might be diatomic (two atoms) or small atomic cluster “condensates,” which are known in the scientific community as …
Tag: Willner
www.1shoppingcart.com Lucid is the powerful new Alchemy from ZP.tech, a powerful stimulator of “awake” time activities. Rapid memory recall, fast memory writing, increased awareness, faster reflexes and assisted third-eye (Pineal Gland) activation. Even more so, LUCID stimulates awareness at night during REM cycles to help achieve Lucid dreaming. We are thrilled to present LUCID to you. With a proprietary blend of Monoatomic Gold, Silver, Platinum, Ruthenium and Rhodium, LUCID is a game changer in the alchemical world. We look forward to hearing all of your experiences with our new alchemy. Created during the Supermoon in beautiful Layton Utah.
tItle of ART pC*. “`C* !.!* …* kILL THEE wIt RAbIt !.!* …* STeve wILLner`” RE`dOne / RE`touChed bY, C*.1*.3*. aka fallOthewItrabIT !.!* …* THEE maTRIX has U !.!*…* original portrait not made by me. pics. done on, Mar. 5. 2011 RAbIt C*sUn !.!* 2011 ~ 20!.!* vid. made on, June 16,2011 *** NEW INFO. ADDED AS OF AUG.16, 2011~20!.!* fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com *** I had randomlY, deCided to RE’dO / RE`touCh his photo. π ——————————————————————————- I wuz bored, & I decide to turn it into a short vid., so that u could see sum of the process (other pics.), I didn’t post (tag u in…) @ my fb pg. π HOPe U LIke It ~STeve wILLner ~ !.!* …* C*.1*.3*. !.! ~aka fallOthewItrabIT !.!* …* THEE maTRIX has U !.!*…* visit his yt pg. ; Run Home Jack 11:11, Diamonds for The Goddess, The Open Eye of Osiris, and The Illusion of Duality www.youtube.com Beyond the Veil Through Black Plasmatic Cosmos www.youtube.com AI ART O FISH EL INTELLIGENCE www.youtube.com www.youtube.com labyrinthofthepsychonaut.blogspot.com ______________________________________ 2 liSIN 2 the FULL SONG (music snip-it, that I used) (an “AWSUM” band that I found thru YT/ If it wuzn’t for other’z sharing/posting music by them, I would never have heard of them… I LUV ALL their music…) : youtu.be ______________________________________ 30~2nd 2 MARz ~ THEE kILL(burY ME) youtu.be Kill The Wabbit www.youtube.com kILL THEE RAbIT ?.? If ur LOOKing 4 FUN u dOn’t …
THIS VID. IS I*NTER”AC*T”IVE ~ CLICK ON SCREEN 2 C* {THGZ. THAT LINK/COINCIDE} 2`GET`HER ~ 2 lEARn… USE 2 SCREENZ ;);) {a TRIButE/FAN MADe, vId. for my FB friend’zzz…} I’m THEE FAN :p ;);) CurIosity Often LEADz 2 troUble, Or soMEthIng INTERESTING… wILL CuriOsItY kILL THEE C~a~t ?.?* …* wILL jUst have 2 wAIt & C* !.!* …* HOOwoodEVR”think”2″LOOK”4″MEhear/HERE”?.?* =dA,I’LLgivmIselfVRRR~Egood+vIsss, waytingmAksmEcurIOUs ~ lnk.ms βββaeiou Oh’tr`u~BULL lnk.ms fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vId. & RE`done/RE`touC*hed piC*z. made bY, C*. !.!* aka C*.1*.3*. aka FALL`O THEE ‘wIt’ RAbIt !.!* done on 8/12/2011~20!.!* RAbIt C*sUn !.!* more info. @ my blog + close up pics. fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com *** NEW INFO. ADDED AS OF AUG.16, 2011~20!.!* fallothewitrabit.blogspot.com *** Original piC*z . fROM: www.facebook.com ^^^Info. found @ above link, Click 2 C* more…^^^ Book Release Date September 11, 2011 *********** About 26 bloggers/writers/artists share their experiences and perspectives on the strange and beautiful universe in which we live. Description Featuring writers from: The Sync Whole, Reality Sandwich, Etemenanki, The Mask of God, Labyrinth of the Psychonaut, The Stygian Port, Live From The Logosphere, Star Theory, The Patternist, Gosporn, All The Happy Creatures, Kosmos Idikos, Radio8Ball, Constellation Contemplation, Kozmikon, Accidental …
labyrinthofthepsychonaut.blogspot.com Special Thanks to Christopher Knowles from the “Secret Sun,” Jake Kotze from “The Blob,” & Youtuber’s: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com secretsun.blogspot.com rundonotwalk.blogspot.com Obama is the president who will take crystallized or sun energy known as currency and try to resurrect it. Some feel he is paving the way for the next sun god and Hitler admirer Schwarzenegger (who’s character’s name was matrix in Commando) to become our 2012 President. He would embody the illusory concept of walls being brought down ~ A foreigner engineering a New World Order through a perceived golden age. Aten: the sun (or solar disc) which was the deity of a monotheistic cult under the Pharaoh Akhenaten (Also Iton.) The actual solar globe in the sky, as opposed to Re, the sun in your mind, that is consciousness. Therefore our means to pierce the glass ceiling is entirely bound to our essence and energy. We are sovereign cosmic royalty with amnesia ~ Searching the hallways of always for the budding sun that lays dormant beneath our tongues. There is no veil we cannot see beyond ~ We must reconnect with the eternal and rid ourselves of form identity. Synchronicities pronounce themselves in the strangest of places.. the opening sequence of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie as an example. It seems that both Giza and NY are depicted as cosmic tuning forks for the collective consciousness which up well psychic imagery of Stargates, time travel, and keys to …