IQ – WW1 and the IQ Test How did World War 1 establish the widespread use of IQ tests? Dean Lawrence R. Velvel interviews Stephen Murdoch, author of IQ A smart history of a failed idea, on thisepisode of The Massachusetts School of Law’s Books of our Time. The Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit mslawledu. MSLAW podcasts are available on itunes (just search for mslaw) and at MSLAW videos can also be found on Google.

David Icke 2011 – Abnormal Death They do it all the time

David Icke 2011 – Abnormal Death They do it all the time

THE INFO WARRIOR with Jason Bermas:War Veteran Ron Has His CCWP Revoked by DHS!! … War Veterans CCWP DHS Nazi Germany Japan ww1 2nd amendment Gun Owners America NRA gun ban Ron Paul Larry Pratt GOA

WW1 and the IQ Test

smart history of a failed idea, on thisepisode of The Massachusetts School of Law’s Books of our Time. The Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit mslawledu. MSLAW podcasts are available on itunes (just search for mslaw) and at MSLAW videos can also be found on Google …

Alex Jones With Congressman Ron Paul 1-2

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