Obama Implementing Martial Law

There are non mainstream media sources that confirm what Alex Jones is saying in this video. Just google ‘Obama Marshal Law’, and you’ll find them. From theintelhub.com By Mac Slavo SHTFplan.com March 18th, 2012 “In a nutshell, it’s the blueprint for Peacetime Martial Law and it gives the president the power to take just about anything deemed necessary for “National Defense”, whatever they decide that is.” (The Intel Hub) While millions of people have been preparing for the possibility of a catastrophic event by relocating to rural homesteads or farms, as well as stockpiling food, water, personal defense armaments and other essential supplies with the intention of utilizing these preparations if the worst happens, the latest executive order signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012 makes clear that in the event of a nationally deemed emergency all of these resources will fall under the authority of the United States government. The signing of the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order grants the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense and other agencies complete control of all US resources, including the ability to seize, confiscate or re-delegate resources, materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense as delegated by the following agencies: Read more here: theintelhub.com

2012-04-13 David Wilcock Liens on ALL 12 Fed Banks Filed

www.thankyouwhiteknights.com Drake mentioned at 50:30

Al Gore and The Global Warming Scam – The Hypocrite Traitor Scum Bag SOB named Al Gore

Al Gore and The Global Warming Scam – The Hypocrite Traitor Scum Bag SOB named Al Gore at fox news

Who Built the Moon?

Are The Moon Artificial? : www.youtube.com Ancient Aliens: www.youtube.com We Don’t Really Know How It Came To Be There In The First Place. Its Existence Has Been Pivotal To The Development Of Life On Earth. Only 1/81st Part The Mass Of The Earth, Despite It’s Known For Certain That The Moon Is Made From Exactly The Same Sort Of Rock As the Earth. The Most Significant Of these Is The Moon’s Ability To Sxactly Cover The Face Of The Sun At The Time Of Total Eclipse. This Is Possible Because The Moon Is ‘Exactly’ 1/400th Part Of The Size Of The Sun And Also That Its Orbit Takes It To A Position 1/400th Of The Distance Between The Earth And The Sun. You Alvays View tHE Same Side Of The Moon !