THE INFO WARRIOR with Jason Bermas:War Veteran Ron Has His CCWP Revoked by DHS!! … War Veterans CCWP DHS Nazi Germany Japan ww1 2nd amendment Gun Owners America NRA gun ban Ron Paul Larry Pratt GOA

23 thoughts on “THE INFO WARRIOR with Jason Bermas:War Veteran Ron Has His CCWP Revoked by DHS!!”

  1. I have a friend in a highly sensitive position who I am sure actually has ptsd, it is obvious frankly, he broke down in my shrinks office because he cant talk to anyone or he will loose his career.

  2. I have believed Alex when he tells us that the New World Order is marching over us, but today I saw proof. In my little town of less than 2000 citizens, state police were stopping people at a blockade near an exit to the interstate to “check your papers.” That is exactly how the state trooper put it. I asked him if there was a problem. He said, “no problem, we’re just making sure that folks have their papers in order.”


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    * from SeeThink Films about Alex Jones discusses the IFC film “New World Order” – WeLoveAlexJones
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  4. Many vets have weapons hidden that new ameriKa will only get from their cold dead hands. Furthermore, there are many in the world that hate oppresive and criminal new ameriKa and because of that hatred are willing to support the cause of individual freedom and help reinstitute the United States Constitution in America. Consider the adage, “the enemy of my enemy is a friend.”new ameriKa has many enemies and they should be seen as opportunities and not personal enemies by freedom loving citizens.

  5. You don’t need a permit to carry a gun, you have a God given right and the second amendment.

  6. We all must prepare for hyperinflation now before our dollars are worthless. Signup for the free NIA newsletter at: Inflation . us

  7. in a bad economy,
    the crime rate goes up
    and cops are laid-off.

    Why should little old ladies need a gun?

  8. “Who will govern the governors? There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves. They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray. They alone are the safest depository of the ultimate powers of government” – Thomas Jefferson

  9. I didn’t vote for David Rockefeller, Prof. Robert Pastor, Dr. Thomas A Shannon, lt. General Gene Renuart, Deborah Bolton, Clay Sell etc.

    All the Presidents were/are puppets. JFK got sick of the bullshit , did something about it and got shot twice in the face at point blank from the driver of the limo he was riding in.

    I wish you were right…that it’s just a matter of who we vote for. When Jack Nicholson(as ‘the Joker’) said ‘This town needs an enima.’ he must have been thinking of D.C.

  10. Man… soon as I heard that Tool song it just reminded me of how much I love this show…

    That song couldn’t of been more fitting for the moment.

  11. Killing and murdering are basically the same thing when it comes to humans, if you are give lethal injections, you in a sense being murdered, maybe in a “humane” way, but murder is murder.

  12. True, But im sure the song, and you being reminded of that are somewhat connected =]

  13. CHL licenses are really bullshit when you think about it, we should all be able to carry any weapon we want in our car, or on our person wherever we want unless a certain business prohibits it.

  14. i wish alex would get rid of all those dated and corny 50s style ads from his show…they really are cringe inducing

  15. This was just on you tube a few weeks ago, saying “They may try to do this…” and here it is. Sh*t. I hope he has support. Prayer for Ron.l,p

  16. Don’t worry most people get this incorrect. The Bible states in Exodus19:13 NAS

    “You shall not commit murder.”

    There is a world of difference between killing a human and murdering.

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