Shinyribs plays “Country Cool” at Opal Divine’s in Austin Texas – 03/20/10 – SXSW 2010
Month: March 2011
The Stargate Conspiracy – 7.
ok as many of you may have seen (or not wathever…) i have upload a tons of videos or documentary about the ANCIENTS ALIENS THEORY !!!! before you all say anything, i will explain my intent clearly !!! i am not a slave of any belief system exept …. the inconditionnal truth love respect and integrity !!!! wath i am going for in this channel is opening up your minds to all the aspects of this (monstruous conspiracy) some videos i upload is the truth… some are science or (paranormal) some are theory hidden history ufo s… some of you may be aware (or not ) of the project bluebeam…. many peoples have come up saying this is all a big part of the new world religion the illuminati have planned…. here it comes the stargate conspiracy!!! let me all know wath you think of it !! Neo: Why do my eyes hurt? Morpheus: You’ve never used them before. [Oo] /)__) -“– n♡ ☼
Magical Egypt The Temple in Man Part 2450.
│║▌║││█║▌│║▌ original profile ® truthproject101’s Channel my other (older)channel: my new back up channel: (same name but the 101 goes before truthproject) my friend s channel:
Cosmos (코스모스) – EP2 – One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue (우주 생명의 푸가)
칼 세이건 코스모스 – 우주 생명의 푸가 Cosmos by Carl Sagan – One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue Episode 2 of the 시리즈 Korean, Hebrew, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Indonesian, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, Bulgarian and Estonian subtitles are available with the CC button. (Content ID Notes: Blocked in Germany)
NASA-engineered collision spills new Moon secrets
A scientific team led by Brown University has produced the first detailed description of what lies below the surface at the Moon’s poles. The soil and subsurface harbors water and an assortment of other compounds, including carbon dioxide, ammonia, free sodium, and, in a surprise, silver. The finding stems from a NASA mission that slammed a rocket into the Moon’s south pole last fall. The collision threw debris into sunlight more than a half mile above the surface. Results are published in Science.