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There’s A Gaping Hole In Our Border Fence, And A Very Dangerous Migrant Group Knows It
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The current news cycle has been dominated by headlines covering the caravan from Honduras.
The thousand-strong army has been moving through Mexico, but are currently stopping short of their goal to reach our border.
When the migrants received word that President Trump would be sending in the military to handle the situation, they quickly backed down.
A majority of the illegal immigrants have now decided to end their journey in Mexico City, although some have vowed to go on alone.
But while all of this has been happening, another group has also been attempting to infiltrate our country, and these particular illegals aren’t from Honduras. They aren’t even from Mexico.
No, these illegal immigrants are from the other side of the world, which begs the question, how did they receive enough funding to try to break into the U.S.?
From Breitbart:
The Laredo Sector continues to lead the nation in the apprehension of Bangladeshis smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico.
Over the Easter weekend, agents arrested 12 in three separate incidents, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The crossings all took place in southern Laredo where border barriers are virtually non-existent.
‘It goes to show that our agents are arresting people from all over the world on a daily basis.
Their intentions for entering the country illegally can only be determined after they have been arrested,’ Laredo Sector Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Gabriel Acosta said in a written statement.”
The Laredo Sector is known to be a very porous part of our border, and where many illegals attempt to find entry.
But the rise of Bangladeshis trying to enter America is alarming, considering what the country has become in the last few years.
Radical Islam is on the rise in Bangladesh, and the country recently experienced a horrific terrorist attack that left 29 people dead.
We cannot be a secure country until we secure the border, by any means necessary. We need the military and we need the wall, without delay.
Poll: Majority Of Americans Support Genius Solution To Stop Border Crossings For Good
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What’s the best way to stem the tide of illegal immigrants coming into the United States? What? You say a big, beautiful wall? Don’t be crazy, Congress won’t allow that!
But as President Trump continues to make good on his promises, he’s finding new ways of ending illegal immigration. While the wall might be slow in coming, the master negotiator is enacting other brilliant strategies.
Long gone are the days when Mexico could take advantage of the United States. Gone is a time when corrupt D.C. politicians looked the other way as American jobs were lost. President Trump is dropping a devastating hammer that will both reduce illegal immigration and compel Mexico to lend a helping hand.
And, as it turns out, Americans are on board. So much for the fake news narrative.
From Breitbart:
The majority of Americans say they support President Trump threatening Mexico with tougher negotiations over the job-killing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) trade deal until the country’s officials help the U.S. stop illegal immigration across the southern border.
In a new poll by Rasmussen Reports, about 51 percent of likely voters said the U.S. should take a tougher line in the current renegotiation of NAFTA to force Mexico to strengthen its efforts to stop illegal immigration and illegal drugs from entering this country.
Only 31 percent of likely voters said they opposed the effort…
Since NAFTA took effect in the 1990s, at least one million net U.S. jobs have been lost because of the free trade deal. Between 2000 and 2014, there have been about five million manufacturing jobs lost across the country as trade deficits continue soaring.
The poll reveals some pretty amazing things. First, working class Americans (people who earn around $30,000 to $50,000 a year) strongly support Trump’s plan. That’s no surprise, right? Hard working Americans are hurt the most from illegal immigration and NAFTA. Both create a perfect storm of unemployment for American citizens.
But, surprise, surprise! An overwhelming number of Americans agree that Mexico is dropping the ball when it comes to illegal immigration. Over 60% of likely voters say the Mexican government has not been aggressive enough to stop the flow of illegals in the U.S. Of course, they aren’t. Mexico gets billions from remittances sent from illegals in the U.S. Why would they want to stop that?
But if, say, NAFTA was in jeopardy, they’d have to do something. Trump can easily rewrite the terms, requiring that Mexico help curtail illegal immigration. Or they can lose lucrative trade opportunities.
So how can Mexico start pulling its own weight? They could hire more border police on their side of the border. They can pass tighter laws. Increase security at checkpoints. All would require extensive work on their part.
Or, here’s a crazy idea. They can put up roughly $25 billion dollars to supplement U.S. efforts for border security. Perhaps that money can hire more U.S. border agents. Or… build a wall.
President Trump promised Mexico would pay for it. Looks like that’s shaping up to happen. Most Americans are on board.
Legal Immigrant Trump Fan Drops Mic On The ‘Undocumented’: “If I Can Do It So Can You”
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The battle over illegal immigration rages on in America. Don’t be surprised to see liberals continuing the fight. They have worked for decades to exploit illegals for votes.
Just because Trump is in the White House doesn’t mean they’ll give up their villainous plans.
But as they crow on and on about ‘innocent’ illegal families, they ignore one important fact. There are millions of legal immigrants who live in the United States.
Countless families came to America, followed the rules, and are now members of our society. Today, many immigrants go through the legal process, without a shred of fear of being deported.
Democrats never mention these people. But we will.
They are proof you don’t have to break the law to enjoy the American Dream. One of these people, now a legal citizen, described the process his family took to become Americans. He powerful message condemns every liberal who protects ‘undocumented’ immigrants.
From Daily Caller:
Before the Escondido city council in California voted four to one to join the Trump administration’s lawsuit against the sanctuary state, a legal immigrant gave an impassioned speech about how he came to America.
“I speak to you as an immigrant myself,” he said Wednesday while wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. “I came to this country 45 years ago with me and my mother. Okay. 45 years ago we were not offered sanctuary! We were not offered easier, softer way. Okay. We were told you have to be an American citizen and here’s what you have to do, and we did it. We worked hard. And we put in our time…”
“Now, I now have a piece of paper hanging on my wall called a naturalization certificate that says I am a proud United States American citizen. And if I can do it, every single person that’s a dreamer in this room can do it” he concluded. “Every person that’s undocumented in this room, they can do it, too.”
The legal immigrant (now American citizen) boldly wore a ‘Make American Great Again’ hat. Not a surprise he’s a Trump supporter. He told his story. It was just him and his mother. He was just a child, his mother probably had to work very hard to support them. On top of that, they had to follow the strict laws governing immigration.
Yet they did it, no problem.
This family destroys the left’s narrative entirely. They claim illegal immigrants are too poor, uneducated, or capable to go through all the steps to be here legally. But this immigrant mother and her son were able to do it. They were regular folks, just like all the people who sneak across the U.S.-Mexican border.
He didn’t have any specific advantage or privilege. He and his mother just worked hard and followed the rules. There was no magic involved. So why can’t the many ‘undocumented’ immigrants do the same?
The legal process takes time. There are quotas and limits put into place. Many illegals don’t want to wait or are unwilling to follow the rules. So, they sneak in. Then they are told by Democrats they can stay. It’s a travesty of our laws and order.
But this proud American proves everyone can do it the right way. I wonder how many journalists will tell his story? How many mainstream outlets will give this immigrant—this American—a chance to share his voice?
President Trump Announces “Shock-And-Awe” Mexico Move—Immigrants Are Fleeing In Droves
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Donald has been trying to play the Washington politics game, but it looks like he’s done playing nice.
An “army of illegals” planning to assault the border would be enough to set off any President committed to protecting the American people.
Well, it looks like Trump is sick and tired of illegals slipping across our border, with liberals and Sanctuary States like California doing their best to tie his hands.
Because Donald is announcing a new policy at the Justice Department, and it’s the harshest move Americans have ever seen from a sitting President.
But it’s clearly meant to protect Americans and their hard-earned tax dollars.
From Fox News:
The Justice Department announced Friday that it is implementing a “zero-tolerance” policy for prosecuting those attempting to enter the U.S. illegally — the latest in a series of measures by the Trump administration to combat illegal immigration.
The latest move by the Justice Department orders U.S. attorneys along the border to adopt a policy of prosecuting all referrals from DHS of illegal entry and attempted illegal entry into the U.S.
Trump is done with being a Commander-In-Chief whose orders are ignored—now all U.S. Attorneys will be required to prosecute border-crossing illegals, no exception.
This is all the more important since liberals seem to have emboldened illegals to cross in even greater numbers in the past year:
The Trump administration says the number of attempted border crossings has increased by 203 percent since March 2017.
That is absolutely unacceptable, and the President did not mince words when he proclaimed the state of illegal immigration in America:
“We don’t have laws, we have catch-and-release,” he said Tuesday. “You catch and then you immediately release and people come back years later for a court case, except they virtually never come back.”
Well, all that is changing now, and Donald’s tone should be enough so that no one mistakes how serious he is:
Got that, Democrats? Mexican illegals? It’s a CRIME to cross into our borders illegally, planning on living off our land and welfare, all while destroying our Sanctuary Cities (yeah, they deserve it, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that San Francisco is a trash heap because they’re letting illegals in).
President Trump, thank you. Thank you for standing up for American rights, American safety, and American law. Thank you for playing hardball with the Democrats, unlike the no-spine Republicans like Paul Ryan. Thank you for calling up our troops and our Justice Department to protect our sovereign nation.